I was in India about 7 years ago for 6 weeks, and during that time I was mostly vegetarian. Not to prove a point, but because in the tourist areas meat was so poorly stored that it was highly likely that you would get sick after eating meat. The only time I ate meat (They may have been another time, but I don't remember) was when me and my mate went to a Pizza Hut and gorged on everything. To be honest I didn't miss meat at all.
Thanks for your comment, it was very informative and helpful. I'm hoping this month will become very positive like you say. To be honest the only problem I see is having to go out of my way to find places that serve vegan food. There are many places in Thailand that don't differentiate vegetarian and vegan, so I have to be on the ball and make sure what I'm eating is in fact vegan. Other than that, it should be quite a fun challenge, and could be a part of my everyday life if it goes really well :-)