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RE: Vegan Anarchy: Empathy is the Key

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

I have no problem with freegans or people who eat road kill; the issue is whether you, as an individual, violated the life of another animal - not the meat eating itself.

"Most vegans buy from giant farms that are destroying the planet faster than any animal industry." Growing plant-based foods is not destroying the planet faster than any animal industry. Not only are hundreds of billions of animals reared and executed in the animal agriculture industry, but those animals are fed plants and grains. To breed, rear, feed and execute animals (hundreds of billions each year) is not as destructive as solely growing plants, for obvious reasons.

I have no problem with humans and animals living in symbiosis; in fact that's what I advocate. Some farmers in India live side by side with their cows and treat them with the utmost compassion. I have no problem with anyone drinking milk so long as the animal is treated with compassion and his consent is not being violated.

The author of that article now executes animals (unnecessary), when he could survive and thrive eating locally grown plant-based foods. To claim that you can 'love' an animal and then go on to take that animal's life against his will is a contradiction. There is no compassionate way to take the life of another animal that wants to live.

I'm no expert in farming, but there are a growing numbers of sustainable alternatives that don't involve the needless slaughter of animals.

The argument that 'one cow can feed me for years' is morally inconsistent with the golden rule. I ask you: If an advanced race of beings decided to rear human beings for food, with the same argument you just presented to me, would you be OK with it, or would you fight for your life? What if you were just the 'one human' the aliens wanted to kill. Would you offer yourself as a sacrifice?

The golden rule is the one consistent moral rule: Do not do to others what you would not want to be done to you. The cows that that man executed wanted to live. He killed them unnecessarily.

I will not be responding to milkjar because he is a notorious troll and thinks it's amusing to eat raw cow brains at vegan demonstrations. Fuck him.

Edit: Many of the points in that article were centred on personal health, and it's clear the author originally adopted a vegetarian diet for health reasons. If you want to put poison into your body, that's your choice. I have no real interest in the health side of things.

Do you protest wolves for eating their prey. Have you ever witnessed animal sacrifices in nature? I assure you our animals are very unconscious instantly they feel no pain, much less horrific than what a pack of wolves will do to a cow.

I've visited ecovillages around the country and for the most part, these villages are adopting aquaponics(fish agriculture), raising chickens, goats etc. As a means to survive, these communities have to incorporate some sort of animal husbandry to keep their plants growing, and to be sustainable. I've taken a permaculture course through love permies, and there are a lot of vegans in that community, but they are moving further and further away from veganism as a means of being more sustainable. There is insurmountable input associated with farming and harvesting perennial vegetable crops, and the labour it would take to feed a community would not be productive enough to feed that community. Coupled with the tooth decay, infertility, brain fog, anxiety, depression, etc etc etc that are associated with vegan and vegetarian diets.
I agree milkjar is a troll, I only visited her page for a moment, saw she is feminist, that's all I need to know LOL! Good luck with your veganism...ill be over here eating raw egg yolk raw milk kefir smoothies and raw butter on the daily to keep my higher functioning brain fed :) yes I believe I'm a higher functioning being than a cow, chicken, goat, etc. You haven't spent any time dealing with animals if you see yourself as equal to a chicken

Did you read the article? I already addressed the "but animals massacre and kill each other in the wild, why can't we do the same" argument. If you haven't read the article in full, why should I bother responding to your comments?

Human beings have moral agency and therefore it is incumbent upon us to live to a higher standard of ethics.

You kill animals unnecessarily, falsely assume I equate human life to animal life, and make unfounded claims about vegans and mental health and how you need to drink milk for brain health.

If you wouldn't want a higher race of beings to slaughter you for food, do not do it to the animals.

vegans dont have conversations, they have emotional outbursts