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RE: Vegan Coffee and Banana Cupcakes

in #vegan6 years ago

Hi @road2horizon thanks for your reply. I haven't been a Vegan for very long actually. I was veggie for a long time and now I'm a convert! The diet that most of the planet eats is so unsustainable on so many levels. As a chef I'm trying to find ways to change for the better and I really wanted to make a realistic diet that people who aren't currently vegan can look at and think "y'know I could eat that and I wouldn't feel like I was missing anything" and maybe help some others make the switch. That's the theme of the work that I will be putting out on steem. As for the Mayo it really doesn't taste like Mayo at all but the saltiness can be a good thing. I know it sounds kinda weird but I always think cakes should have a little salt in them. Not to make them salty but just to enhance the flavour the way we would season our soup or our main meals. It's honestly really great. So to answer your question it is both my job and my passion.

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it's really interesting. making all your knowledge of chef on steemit available is a beautiful thing and many people will be happy to be able to use your recipes. do you want to tell me what you mean when you say that "the diet that most of the planet eats is so unbearable on so many levels"? Isn't being a vegetarian or a vegan a position against animal exploitation?

Hi @road2horizon The word I used was unsustainable. Did you know that every vegan saves an average of 200 animals lives per year? Pretty crazy huh? I've been to a slaughter house and I think everyone who eats meat should visit one. Because if they make that decision then they need to do so with the whole story. Not with the prepackaged, safe and faceless image the supermarket promotes. So absolutely Its about animal welfare but its also about, for me at least, the damage that farming does to the planet. Meat production is wasteful, creates excessive pollution and the resources needed to feed the ever expanding cattle herds is totally unsustainable.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you. what you say is very wise. Unfortunately, not only is there abuse in eating meat but also in using all of nature's resources. the man looks only at the monetary account and does not think of the damage to the environment and the animals, as if they were easily expendable. We need more education on this starting from schools