Learn about why vegan gains had to get a circumcision due to his nutritionally deficient diet. The dangers of trusting your body to the medical profession, and the mkultra freak that started this gender stuff we hear so uch about today.
▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFS
gets hemeroids and constipation then says we are herbivore lmao,vegan gains is a joke
and now he has cancer,right? :D
He might have cancer. He has ball pain that he thinks might be cancer
let's hope :)
Talk about an absolute troll.
Trash like this deserves the ZERO payout you received. Don't spread hate.
I don't think it's up to any of us to decide what we choose for our own content. The biggest problem here is self-imposed censorship, trampling over people's right to express themselves.
BTW the only hateful message I see here is the one you left.
Do you know who vegan gains is? I assume not, so let me bring you up to date.
Hes the guy that finds people on youtube who arent vegan and tells them they deserve to be killed. When furious pete got cancer he made videos about how deserves to get cancer and that he hopes it kills him. Hes the guy tht talks about how how he wants to stomp babies heads in. Hes the guy that recorded his grandfather dying of a heart attack and tried to post it to youtube. Hes the guy that targetted lex fitness just because he eats meat but didnt stop there, he took to viciously insulting the appearance of lex's girlfriend for absolutely no reason. Theres much more to it than just these things, look into it yourself if you are interested.
I suggest you not talk about things you know nothing about. His vile behavior on the internet makes him fair game. Not to mention the fact that he ruins peoples health by blatantly lying on his channel about health science repeatedly
Of course I got zero payout, I just started my channel.
Its the enforced politeness at the expense of free and open discourse that will keep steem from ever achieving the true success that the technology behind it deserves to have it achieve. Nobody is interested in the circle jerk of money grubbing politeness that is the current state of steemit and dtube today. Knowledge, learning, and individual growth are based on conflict and has been the cornerstone of youtube's and other media platform's success. It is something which steemit is strongly lacking right now.
It is still very early in the game so there is no ensuring it will remain this way, that is why im giving it a chance. However, I can guarantee you that current state of faux polite people pleasing will hinder the platform greatly from achieving its true potential.
Your comment reveals the money grubbing flaw of the steeit community. Fear of offending anybody. Ironically, this safe space mentality will keep the value of steem from getting anywhere near it's true potential of left unchecked
Yes, this is a major problem. There's a lot of circle-jerking and basically a fear of speaking out on things you care about because of the flag system. I've seen flags used to 'hide' posts some don't agree with. It's censorship.
I got involved with a conversation between vegans where one suggested creating a bot to go around flagging anyone that used pictures of animal flesh like in recipes or just generally. Censorship rather than open discourse. That seems to be what some of them want. Sad really.
Iv been considering the possibility of starting anti censorship group, including bot armies and manual votes as well.
I would envision it as non partisan. Whether its vegan, carnivore, communist, fascist or whatever the content is, the group will post it on the page and people who want to support the project can manually use their votes to counter attacks or bring their bots in to help.
I really dont want to see censorship start to get really bad here. If this problem isnt taken care of, I could easily see it being worse here than on even the mainstream sites.
Its up to us as users to remain vigilant of freedom of speech on this platform. And that means protecting anyone who being silenced and unjustly denied their right to speak.
I almost feel sorry for Vegan Gains. He's clearly deteriorating in health, right down to his foreskin. Man, that's bad for someone so young.
That stuff about Dr Money and the twins was so creepy and sinister. It's mindblowing what these people get away with. Tragic consequences for the twins.
Anj :)
I used to hate vegan gains, but I mostly feel bad for him at this point. His health just keeps deteriorating. Its like every month he has a new serious health issue.
The worst part is hes infecting others with his mental illness.
Funny how dr money is a pioneer of the new gender paradigm.
Yeah, he's not a very likeable character, Vegan Gains. And I deffo think he's got mental issues or a personality disorder of some sort. But yeah, he's hurting people with his misinformation. It's important to offer rational counter arguments. I've noticed a lot of vegans get overly emotional when trying to discuss it. Beats me. I wasn't like that when I was vegan.
Oh god, yeah, the gender situation. I've had some dealings with that here too :D
He admits he has suffered from hallucinations and currently suffers from severe anger and depression.
These are all side effects of a vegan diet.
Yes, I remember him talking about the hallucinations a while back. Isn't that when he started on the injectable B12?
Yep, anger issues and you can see in his face and hear in his voice the depression. He's as much a victim of this diet as anyone. And he's locked into it coz it's his livelihood. Wouldn't wanna be him.
ps, thanks for the link