
Hey, honestly Im new to steemit so I dont know the intricacies of it. Does down voting something mean Im flagging it for flagrant, propaganda, false information? Or does it just simply mean I do not like the video? Secondly, dont patronize me about the oath I made to our country.

Sorry I wasnt aware that you didnt know a downvote is a flag.

A downvote/flag serves to bury content that falls under any of these rules according to steemit

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag

Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miss-categorized content or Spam

as you can see it isnt meant for simply disliking something, it is meant for removing content from public view if it falls under any of the above rules. Thus, when one flags/downvotes legitimate content it only serves to stifle free speech. This is completely different from platforms such as youtube in which a downvote does nothing to censor content and simply shows ones disapproval of it.

Thank you for understanding and once again I am sorry for patronizing you in regards to your oath as you were not aware of the actual effect of your actions. Have a nice day.

Thank you for informing me of this information, it is enlightening. However, given that you have tagged "vegan" on this video you are currently "intentionally miss-categorizing content" therefore i will maintain my down vote until you remove "vegan" from your tag. Thank you for understanding.

The main topic of this video is the vegan claim that we have herbivorous teeth and whether or not it is true. I and many others sincerely believe that this is the proper tag as veganism is the main focus of this video. You may believe it is miscategorized but it is absolutely not INTENTIONALLY miscategorized.

There is a reason they put the word INTENTIONALLY in the rules. It is not because they expect you to be a mind reader and know what my intentions are in a situation like this, it is because you are only meant to flag if you KNOW that I intentionally miscategorized my content, not simply because you dont agree with how I categorized it. It is about my INTENTION not your OPINION and you have no way of knowing my intention.

There are situations in which you can know that someone intentionally miscategorized something.

For example: if I posted this under bitcoin. Bitcoin is not being discussed at all in my video so you may rightfully flag it since you have all of the evidence you need to KNOW I intentionally miscategorized it. This is the type of thing the rule was made for as it is a problem that occurs here often. People make posts that have absolutely nothing to do with bitcoin yet still tag it under bitcoin because they know it will get more views.

Tags are meant to summarize the main idea being discussed in the video, nothing more and nothing less.

Do you understand?

I feel as though you are simply trolling Vegans by attaching that tag. Trying to prove that our teeth are meant for shredding flesh would entail chasing down a squirrel, rabbit, or deer and biting into their bodies without aid of a knife. A butcher tenderized and cut that for you. What you are doing is trolling the Vegan community. Just wanted to point out you nearly vomit at 2:53. Is it not your own Opinion that you did not intentionally miss categorize the video? How are we the community supposed to believe these were not your true intentions? that being just to troll Vegans? Based on your original comments when you discredit Vegans by calling them "soyboys" it is clear that you have a distaste for ethical people. Therefore I am under the belief that you are intentionally miss categorizing "vegan" just to get more views and to troll.

plenty of animals use tools to bite into animals they couldnt otherwise bite into. Here is just one example.

We do not require any knives to hunt and kill animals. as can be seen here.

After a deer is captured, smashing its head with a rock or choking it to death is very simple. Just like most other carnivores, we can then easily tear the hide by way of the weakest parts such as the anus or the genitals. Even crododiles eat their prey this way. They dont just bite a chunk out of a deer as that is ridiculous. They will always drown it first and then open it up via the weaker parts. I suggest you learn something about animals and nature before making a fool of yourself by repeating vegan lies.

I eat raw meat every single day of my life. The por was delicious and at no point did I feel like vomiting. Eating raw pork is very common in many places such as japan and even germany where the raw pork dish "mett" is consumed often.

There is nothing ethical about eating food grown by slaves in third world countries who die of cancer caused by pesticide poisoning. My distaste is not for ethical people but for those who virtue signal and try to shove their baseless and anti nature ideology down everyones throats.

My points are valid and you cannot know that I intentionally miscategorized it. The fact is I made a video centering around veganism. The vegan tag is not reserved for vegans just as the bitcoin tag is not reserved for proponents of bitcoin. Many people have posted articles talking about why bitcoin is terrible under the bitcoin and recieved massive amounts of upvotes. Only vegans are so sensitive that they choose to intentionally take over a tag by force and prevent people from excercising their freedom of speech under it. Steemit is full of disagreements and that does not warrant flagging.

I do not see why you result to name calling and belittling, it seems to me that you are the one being sensitive. You are currently being a hypocrite given that you have down voted my only post of an introduction for no reason!? what about free speech? I have removed my downvote simply because I do not wish to engage in a petty back and forth of down voting with a platform that i do not fully understand at this time. I would hope you would retract your unjustified downvote from my page as well.
I would also like to take a moment to to ask you at what point did I try to "shove" anti-nature ideology down your throat? You need to understand that not all people are the same, it seems to me that you are doing the EXACT things that you are preaching against.
Take care of yourself.....