| trailer for documentary

in #vegan7 years ago

It's been a good year so far for animal rights here in Montreal. New laws that aim at the protection of pets and wildlife will be voted during the next City Council meeting at the end of August.

Among the laws is the caleche/horse-drawn carriage ban, which will be effective on January 1st 2020. Myself and teammates of the ''Ant-caleche defense coalition'' have spent the past 8 years documenting the neglect and abuse of the horses. We have accumulated photos, videos, veterinary reports, police reports, etc. Sadly, we were not able to avoid the death of over 16 horses. But we were able to raise awareness and rescue a few, like Johnny last summer.

We will be using our evidence for the upcoming court trial which will attempt to stop the ban from happening. However, we will fight hard and I am also in the process of making a documentary to expose the truth to a wider audience.

The trailer which I finished yesterday can already be shared:

I hope animal lovers of the Steemit community such as @krnel @teamsteem @dragosroua @ura-soul @vegansofsteemit can also help support this effort.

Changes don't happen overnight, but by practicing compassion for ourselves and those around us, they slowly start to take form.

And in conclusion, if you want a laugh, last March I was invited to a panel discussion to talk about the future of caleches in Montreal. It was not an easy task to dispel the myths and lies of the other guest.
Let me know what you think! :)

You can watch it online here:

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