lol- very good post mate, and I actually agree with 90% of what you said.
I grew up in a farming/ butchering family, I see the factory farming of animals abhorrent -
which is not the same as 'growing' your animals.
We had lambs we bottle fed, (up at 3 am, every 5 hours)who's mothers had died - still ate them - And i loved the little buggers-)
They were not in their natural environment - they would be dead.
Yeah, I don't buy into the pseudo, -but - saying that.
Animals not slaughtered in a slaughter house ( hours cued up in strange environment, stressed - adrenaline pumping), don't taste as nice as ones killed at home- seriously. - zero stress, quick knife job - as 'bad' as it sounds to 21 century sensitivities.
Good post though, matey