Why Vegan?

in #vegan8 years ago

I have been a vegan for a few years now after being a vegetarian for some time.

I used to eat meat and I loved the taste of some of the dishes, as long as I didn't think too much about it. I had a puppy Bull terrier Zwegel (born in 2001 and died in 2015), and he changed the way I look at all animals. He was with me all the time, at work and everywhere I went.
After some years I realized that I loved him very much and it made me think about all the other animals.I would never think about eating him, so why would I eat other animals?

So I think it was 2011 when I only wanted to eat organic meat and cheese and drink organic milk. (less harmful)
Then after some time, I made the change to become vegetarian. Later I met a girl on tsu, and she told me there were very good products to substitute the dairy products, so I gave it a try and stuck with it!
Now after changing my eating habits and after some physical and mental detox, naturally occurring by the diet change, I am very happy to have taken this path.
In this short video, Ralph Smart you can see what I mean.
(Ralph Smart is a Psychologist, Author, Counselor, Life Coach, Relationship Guide, Alchemist & Infinite Being)

Thanks for watching and have a cruelty free day!


From one Vegan to another! Good for you for making the change. Following and Up voted!

Thanks and following back!

This is awesome. Very cool. I had a very similar transition to veganism.

A lot of people think veganism is extreme or radical, but for me, it went in steps, very smoothly :)

I think there are a few people that make veganism look bad.

@lenasveganliving is making up for them :D She has some amazing #vegan recipes

And so are you! We are all here to grow our souls IMO, but not everyone is at the same pace/level...

she's amazing. :)

I met her, @ileniagen and @projwellnow on tsu (social media that stopped 2016 i think) They helped me a lot with the steps going smoothly with all the recipes. Great stuff.

I was on tsu briefly, but didn't understand it.

Great post friend!

Thank you very much, my friend! \☺/

I think it's actually quite important to mention the mental detox as well as the physical detox that happens when one switches over to a plant based diet. I have a really hard time understanding why others can't see what a mainly plant based vegan sees. By that I mean, Veganism is very basic math, yet it seems to be very hard for others to even comprehend. For example if you put your hand in the electric socket, you'll get a shock. That's fairly basic to understand, not much science is involved right? So why is it, and I'm telling you it is, so hard for people to understand that we live on a planet, a round natural ball if you will. On that ball, many kinds of species live. So who's planet it is? Is it ours, as in we humans and animals, plants and insects? Or does it belong to humans only? If it belongs to humans only, what are the animals and plants and insects etc doing here? If anyone can make that connection, then I go to the second step and ask why it's normal to imprison animals, rape animals and kill animals? Why? Because they don't have a name? Because they're not your pet? Why don't we run after squirrels in the park and rip their heads of and eat them raw with the delicious blood running down our shirts?? Why? You can feed a cat all the kittycat you want, but that cat will go hunt a mouse. Do you think mother nature made us and thought, ah shit, don't have much time left have to dash off to another AA meeting. God you couldn't take over quickly could you and help me make those humans. If you don't know how to build their bodies to eat dead flesh, don't worry as I've decided I'm going to invent kitchen stoves so we can make some money selling kitchens! - What I'm trying to get at is, it doesn't really matter what anyone tells you, their is no reason to eat meat unless you're born a meat eater like a cat. Not even a dog has to eat meat as a dog is a scavenger. And it's one big shame that this awesome planet we live on, kills itself for the sake of power and we as the mice, just accept and believe what it fed to us. As a Vegan we see life differently I guess. Anyway enough ranting, I would however like to thank you for saving the environment that I also live in. Cheers and have a great weekend!

Thank you, Happy Weekend!

My hubby and I went vegan for the animals. It was a bonus when we realized it's the healthiest way to eat. I am 67 and am in my ideal weight range and have near perfect blood work. My neighbor is in the hospital having two stents put in and she is 63. Had her first heart attack at 56.

Great! I also went vegan for the animals, but you start feeling so much better, it's sad what they put in the minds of people, to make them believe they need to eat animal based diets... I also love to buy local as much as possible instead of bringing money to investor groups that only care about statistics and profits. I feel good about the food that I put into my system and I think that helps as well. I always tell people to do whatever it is that makes them feel good but also think about the consequences and accept them. Don't cry about all the sugar in a coke or in a mars bar, just drink water and eat an apple instead! \☺/

Well said Remco! I agree with you totally

Thanks! \☺/

Amazing stuff on your Steemit blog and on Instagram! Very impressive! Very hungry now...

Great post! Please take a look at my friend @lenasveganrecipes blog for delicious vegan recipes

She and her blog are one of the reasons I made the step to become vegan. Together with Ilenia Gen and Iwona from Project Wellness Now. I was on tsu when Ilenia convinced me with reason and vegan food photography and the other 2 with posts on tsu about vegans and recipes... I am going to try to make the homemade nuttela that Lena posted last month! I have everything I need, only the courage to start is lacking :D