My experience: Everyone can be vegan - especially when you have to!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

I love animals and that stuff, I'm aware of all those things vegans try to tell us - we are destroying animals, cruelly killing them, using a lot of energy, destroying nature... I really feel disgust just to write about that, but I must admit, it would be hypocrite to tell these were my reasons to stop eating meat and animal products.


The real reason started few days ago when I went to my doctor because I didn't feel well. The first step was to take a blood test and it turns out the results were not that good. Among high 'everything' :)) the main problem was that iron was really high and the suggestions of all doctors I've talked to was not to eat meat. Besides that I had some infective process going on in my body so milk products were not an option as well.

(I also asked Dr. Google and besides the same advise as my doctor, he gave me a lot of other diseases and incurable diagnosis :))


Than my experience whit vegan food started.
The first question of all, what will I eat now - will I starve to death or did of iron poisoning :))
I'm not a meat person but I loooove cheese and all cheease stuff, and salami and all those delicatessen!
So, I did a little research, and it turns out the groceries I can eat are the one I really like. A lot of vegetables, fruits, beans and nuts - cool! I guess the main point is that I like every food :))


My cauliflower tortillas :))


I immediately started gathering recipes from all sides. I came to the conclusion either you like food in general or you don't, either you like preparing food or not, and when it comes to food, eithter you have imagination or you don't. I'm still struggling, especially when I walk thru the milk section in the store, but I see things in a different way. Animals will live a happy life and I'll live healthy life (will I also live a happy life is another type of post I'll write someday maybe :))

In Croatia we turn everything into a joke and now my friends call me Iron Lady :D

I must admit I feel better and we'll see how long it'll last, I will do my blood test again soon, but I also feel proud to try something new, something I thought I could never do!

Kisses from the Iron Lady :***


Posalji malo!

Hoću, kad me restimaš! :D :*

We believe we can't do without somethings in life, we think so because we have it around us or probably there re no restrictions to them.

Very funny Iron lady.
Firstly am really sorry about your health restricting you from your favorites. Vegetables and fruits are very good too.
If you are smoothie lover, you can take them too.
Fruit soup and many others. Am definitely sure you will be fine.

Thanks for sharing your experience iron lady. You re a super woman

Thank you very much for your support and good advises.
I love smoothies and soups, they are my favourite. See you around! :))

I just followed you to see your progress. Will be glad if you follow me in return

Hey "iron lady" :D
When I went vegan almost 10 years ago it was really difficult, there was almost nothing available, no burgers, no meat substitutes, no vegan cheese. Nowadays it's a lot easier, there's a vegan substitute for almost everything! Good luck :-)

Vegan for ten years - well done! Nice to meet you :))

That would also be my reason to stop eating meat, but as my health is in good shape I have no reason... Eating it maybe a bit too much, but always with salads! Did doctors tell you any methods to increase the strength of your immunity system?

Not really, I have a feeling they don't know what's going on... I guess I'll look for a second opinion, cause this is all new to me. Do you have some advise? :)

I would not advise eating or drinking soy. There's a big divide about soy. Some say it's very healthy and others say it's very bad and linked with cancer in breasts for women and prostate for man.

Supposedly it has a substance (phytic acid) which makes absorbtion of minerals very hard. Personally I don't trust it. Here's a link...

Hemp is a good substitute for soy.

Chinese medicine usually has a good understanding of what causes diseases. I suggest you go for a consultation regarding excessive iron. It can't hurt.


I will upvote you tommorow, I'm low on SP

Wow Food is delicious and also high nutrition @rita0404

Thank you! Yes, vegan diet can also be varied!

I think many people struggle in the beginning when adopting a vegan diet, at least when they go vegan overnight as you did. But it'll get easier over time, I promise! If you educate yourself more about the subject (watch documentaries, read researches etc.), one day you'll notice that you don't crave those foods anymore. Actually, you'll start to feel a bit sick at the thought to consume any animal products. It's so weird how the mindset changes over time! I once said I could never be even a vegetarian, and now I'm happily vegan.😄
I hope you'll feel great on a vegan diet, keep us updated! 😊

It is so true... I already can't believe we as a human can eat someone elses meat. Thank you for your support, I'll keep updating!

Sad bi dobro dosla jedna porcija :)

I think people make excuses. I think being vegan is equally as hard as being a meat eater. It's all about choices.

True, it's all about the choices and mindset... Like I said in one comment, I already can't believe I was eating someone elses meat. See you around!

Exactly. I feel the same with why I was still eating cheese and dairy while I was vegetarian for nearly a decade before going vegan.