Fruitarianism: Before and After

in #vegan8 years ago


There are some pretty personal things here. And it might get a little gross for others. You've been warned.


In January 2016 I began eating more fruit. A lot more fruit. Ripe, juicy fruit. It took me about 9 months of eating this way until my diet consisted of 100% fruits and vegetables—veggies were only in their juiced forms. I am now eating as the optimum species-specific diet for humans, and there are drastic changes. I’ll share those with you.

** Disclaimer: “fruit” is defined as an editable item, which mostly contains seeds, and does not kill the plant when you consume it. No cooking is necessary. My diet is now 100% fruits and starch-less vegetables.

The Difference

Here's the difference between eating a "normal" diet--which was a cooked, vegan diet for myself--and eating a fruit-based diet.

Nervous System / Main Senses

 "Regular" DietFruitarianism
Eye sight:No need for glasses, blurry vision at a distance.Crystal clear vision.
Smell:I never paid attention to my sense of smell, often to my detriment.Nose is very sensitive and less insulted by foul smells. I'm smelling things I've never smelled before!
Taste:Taste was taste--what can I say!WOW! My taste buds are hyper sensitive and very aware. I can taste the most delicate things that I've never picked up before.
Hearing:There's that ringing sound in the background. Oh well, tinnitus is part of life, right?I can "hear" silence without the ringing.
Feel:Feeling is feeling, nothing special.I can't help but to notice that my hair and skin feel sooooo much softer.
Happiness:I was one of those people with the "what is happiness?" philosophy. Happiness was on and off like a switch.I'm consistently happier, more social, and always feel a great sense of gratitude and wellness.

Health Differences

 "Regular" DietFruitarianism
Heartburn:Present every once in a while.Completely void.
Cavities:I had 2 small cavities, and 2 starting to develop :(Zero cavities. My teeth remineralized.
Behavior & Mentality:Anxious, indeed, and every once in a while I had paranoid thoughts. Often impatient. I'm happy one day and feeling hopeless another.Literally zero anxieties, and my worries are short lived--less than 1 minute! My partner and I get along much better, and I am considerably more patient. Mood is consistently positive.
Sleep:I needed at least 8 hours a day to feel rested, and sometimes as much as 10-12 hours.Usually I sleep 5-6 hours a night and I have more than enough energy. Sometimes I've had to be up all night for work, and with 8 hours of sleep I felt great again.
Snoring:I snored every night. Usually not a heavy snorer, but I've had complaints.I'm told that I do not snore any more.
Digestive:Bloated. Gassy, horribly-smelling gas, and passing stool never felt complete.Zero gas. No really, with 100% fruit and monomeals, I do not pass gas. I don't remember how long ago I last passed gas. Passing stool is always smooth, fast, and easy. Often I will wipe and there's nothing remaining...
Sun Burns:15 minutes of afternoon sun and I became red.Direct sun for as much as 3 hours leaves no burn on my body. It took me at least 8 hours of direct sun exposure to get burned. And the burn had intermittent irritations--no "pain".
Sleeping Habits:Entirely a night owl and habitually in bed between 6am-10am. I loathed being in the sun.I crave the sun! I often go to bed between 9:30pm and 11:30pm. I do get to bed as late as 3:30am at times and still wake at my usual time.
Blood Pressure:some readings I had were about 130/90. I did not get my blood pressure before going on this journey.Blood pressure relatively low: 100/60
Heart Rate:My heart rate was always over 80 beats per minute (bpm), and during rest it may be as low as the mid 60s. Lower with meditation.I just took my heart rate now: 60 bpm. During rest it's as low as 40-44 bpm.


 "Regular" DietFruitarianism
Hair:If I didn't clean my hair after 2 days, it became nasty and VERY noticeable!I've cleaned my hair maybe 4 times this past year. Not even family notices.
Eyes/Ears/Nose:Always awoke with crusty things in my eyes, produced many snots, and lots of ear wax.I only wake with "crusty eyes" if I had eaten non-fruit, cooked food (rare). Snot production is low and virtually non-existent, and I have not noticed ear wax.
Body Odor:I needed to wear deodorant every day. Showering every other day (at the least) was a must.Now, I haven't used soap in over a year, and I rarely shower. I shower maybe once every other month and use only water. Basically: I have zero odor!
Teeth:I brushed with toothpaste once to twice a day. Flossed every day during some seasons, and rarely during others. I stopped mouth wash. Bad breath if I did not brush!For over a year now, I brush my teeth maybe once every other day...with only water--never any toothpaste. No bad breath. I don't need to floss, as there is no plaque build up and most fruit items do not get stuck in my teeth. All of this, and my teeth remineralized and are looking beautiful! :D

Bodily Functioning / Physiology

 "Regular" DietFruitarianism
Mosquito Bites:They swell up pretty badly.I do not know if I am being bitten by mosquitos unless I witness it. There is zero swelling and zero itching.
Penis:Well, it's true what they say about the size not being the same as in high school or age 21.I had to figure this out because I looked (and was told) larger. This was never a worry of mine, but I had to make sure it wasn't just "all in my head". I was surprised to find out that my size is 40% larger. Yup. Must be all of that unobstructed blood flow. I was very shy about this at first.
Flexibility:I thought I was flexible for my age, yet I could feel myself getting stiffer and stiffer.I am insanely flexible now in comparison. And I don't do yoga...yet!
Overall Activity Level:I was not active at all. I sat many hours at a desk, and I did not care to be active.I have a lot of joy when I am being active, playing, swimming, running, etc. I have more extra energy than I know what to do with :)
Weight:Between 160-170 lbs, as high as 194 lbs (before going vegan). I am almost 5'8" btw.I am now 126 lbs after gaining at least 10 lbs of muscle over the last 6 months. (I got down to 112 lbs)
Strength:I could barely do a few push-ups, and likely zero pushups with proper form. I couldn't do a single pull-up. Even with weekly training I could do maybe 8 push-ups.I can finally do a pull-up. I can also do 8 diamond push-ups with proper form, followed by another 8 close-grip, another 8 wide-grip, etc. My core strength has improved dramatically. (Btw, I do exercise now, and my routine is 5-10 minutes every 2-3 days.)
Muscle Soreness:Doing 8 push-ups would've made me insanely sore for the rest of the week.Even with heavy exercise beyond any exercise I have ever done since my entire LIFE, I have yet to feel sore! I don't really care to get to that point, either :)


  • If I eat out, I am spending 25% as much.
  • My groceries are about 25% as much. That's some huge savings...
  • I produce significantly less waste. Most of my waste is compost.
  • Less time cleaning dishes, less time preparing and cooking foods... I have more time to spend with family, business, and self.


I feel like a child again! Like a 10 year old boy; however, I have the mental focus, discipline, and responsibility that adults are "supposed to have". And I'm serious: I am like a child again.

I became a "real" human-being, again!

By eating 100% fruit, I feel "limitless". My mental clarity is super sharp, my attitude is consistently positive with minor bumps, and I am more productive than ever. I run a rapidly growing company, and this is my "secret weapon"! Even thought I have slip ups here and there, I do not plan to go back to a cooked diet. My longest time eating consistently raw was a little over 5 months.

Inspirational Materials and Media

The things that inspired me the most along this journey were:

  • Book: "Mucusless Diet Healing System" and "Rational Fasting" by Professor Arnold Ehret.
  • Book: "The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1" by Jesus Christ / Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
  • Pangu Shengong: a deep, spiritual meditation that made me first discover (a few years ago) my inner voice that guided me and told me that my diet is ONLY "sunlight". Then it became to have the addition of "water", and eventually fruit. In the particular meditation journey I had, I was told strictly to stay away from eating animal products and to abstain from killing the roots of plants--I needed to respect plants. Pangu Shengong Website
  • Norwegian Fruitarians "Sweet Natural Living" channel. These guys started it all for me, as I was hooked on the irony that they lived in Norway (where fruit does not grow) and ate fruitarian:
  • I then found Michael Arnstein's videos and that's where I started eating mostly fruit:
  • Ted Carr's videos on fruitarianism became some of my favorite inspirations: -- so glad he's on Steem now!! @tedcarr


Here I talk about what it's like after 1 month of eating mostly fruit -- the differences are MANY!


click here!This post received a 28% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kennyskitchen! For more information,

Great stuff @robertgenito! I love to see fruitarianism getting more attention :-)

ideanewest update on the project.I just gifted you a @randowhale vote as part of an I'm calling #payitforward. I'm also featuring you in my

As you can see from this image, my 2 $BD payment to @randowhale just turned into an increase of around $12 on your expected payout (meaning 6 $BD & some number of SteemPower). If you were to spend just 4 of that extra $BD to #payitforward to two other posts, you would still be ahead and could give them the same kind of boost, or maybe even more :-)


Thanks for being part of Steemit!

PS: Thanks @randowhale

Thank you :) This is pretty cool...I'll check out the links...thanks again!! Voted you up for that great info :) Next I need to understand "pay it forward"...

Cool to read your story man, Also a massive fan of Sweetnaturalliving, see that we have much of the same influences, the fruit life is good all the best to you!

Thank you!! I appreciate you coming by and taking the time to share this with me and everyone else :)

Thanks for such a detailed information on Fruitarianism. It's great to be a vegan. More power to you!

Thanks for sharing this! It is very inspiring for me since I am going from vegan based to a more fruitarian based diet :) Resteemed and Followed!

Much appreciated! Glad we can help inspire others:)

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

Nice post and very usefull info!!Upvoted and followed u and looking for more new interesting posts!!))

Aloha from Hawai'i Island! Sounds like you've became quite the superhuman!

I'm still vegan and I sleep around 7.5 to 9 hours a day. That's cool to hear that you sleep less being fruitarian.

Are you going to any of the coming fruit festivals like the Woodstock Fruit Festival or the Big Island fruit Festival?

Thanks for asking! I really need to get my tickets for Woodstock soon so that i'm locked in and ready to go :D Are you going?

Amazing post!..Fruits are really good for health but we also require little spice in life...

That's absolutely true! I now get my spice in life by using my extra energy to be more active :) I'll walk around amusement parks all day... do water sports... etc!

Thanks, I was just thinking about this today. Those are some big differences/changes.

Woah. I had no clue that going fruitarian would remineralize your teeth. Do you happen to know what that happened?

I do understand how it happened. Keep in mind that because of people eating a civilized diet (a sub-optimal diet), fruit will cleanse a "civilized eater's" body drastically. This results in a cleansing reaction such as teeth de-mineralization. Often there are fruitarians who get cavities after eating mostly fruit, and this is because it is a cleansing symptom. The teeth are a "buffer" (just like an electrical capacitor) to help the acidity in the blood streem---STEAM--STREAM**. I have to be careful; I'm typing "steem" too much lately ;) However, even if this does happen, your teeth will mineralize once your body has filtered all of the toxic build up waste inside the tissues. Hope this helps! Follow me for more posts on this :)

Fruit will expose what is already within... the fruit is not the culprit, it's the diet one eats previous to fruits... great blog here!

That was an amazing difference in results! Congratulations! :)

Thank you gatmi :) give it a try! eat more fruit :D you don't have to eat 100%, just add more to your diet and you'll feel great!

Thanks for the encouragement. I am looking forward to it! :)

"Eat fruit to make your dick bigger."

That right there is the winning slogan to convert the masses to your new ism. 😂

"My" new ism? You're mistaken, my friend :)

Nope. Of course... t'is ancient. existed long before all the 'evils' of our modern world.

And of course, we'd surely all be better off return to the ways of the ancient man before his "revolutionary" technologies... fuck all the medical and scientific advancements that have extended our lifespans by decades... of course, t'is the superior option to rely on nature's fruits alone than any evolutionary advancements that might possibly offer benefits to overcome aspects of nature such as disease and plagues that wiped out populations prior to the advent of modern scientific medicine...

And of course, it's not yours... surely, you've been so absolutely blessed to have been gifted such a profoundly enlightening extremist way of life from others walking the path before you, whose benefits could not possibly be a matter of correlation rather than causation - and of course, we are but so fortune to be the recipients of your all-so-enlightened gift of sharinf this one-size-fits-all solution to all of mankind's ills.

Of course, it is I that is mistaken, my friend...


Awwww... I was hoping for a better fight than that. Lol. :-)

It's not about fighting, it's about cooperating. That is one of humanity's greatest asset!

Love the breakdown brother. These details are what is needed to spread the word. It is hard to deny fruit and herbs for the highest vibes! What's your favorite fruit? / What do you want to try?

Thank you! I am glad that this is still helping people :) my favorite fruits are definitely clementines, peaches, watermelon, and probably cucumbers, too. I wanna try non-frozen durian :) you?

This is Awesome, will have to go full fruits, when I leave my parents house of course.