This is legit what it’s like detoxing from cooked food drugs :)
Thank you! :)
It is my wish to serve you with these words!
Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.
Thank you for reading, upvoting, tipping, and re-steeming!
Robert Genito
Steemit | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook are all @robertgenito
This diet based on fruits is excellent for the body to gain the maximum amount of living enzymes, which helps to clean toxins, its great benefit is, improve digestion, improve skin quality, resistance to viruses and much more. very great topic, greetings
YES! I noticed you only said fruits, and you’re dead on :D
Hello ... Most of the people live in constant movement and we spent working for many hours, and we went (for the easiest) to the fast food, this is a very serious mistake, eating raw foods helps us to detoxify our body and have enough energy for day to day. A very good option are other types of raw foods such as grains and sprouted cereals, which are called superfoods such as cocoa, royal jelly, pollen and honey, algae.

Hello, there is a very good book written by nutritionist Natalia Rose. Call the diet plan of raw food detoxification, where she talks about changing her eating habits and reducing her dependence on cooked foods, she explains us about the health benefits physical, benefits for mental and emotional health, some warnings as there are Some foods are toxic when eaten raw, such as buckwheat vegetables, alfalfa seeds / pipes and cassava.

Thank you! This seems like a great book for people to check out :)
Hello @robertgenito (59), there are many people who take great care of their health, there are also many who do not care and eat what they get through, others who think that healthy food such as fruits and vegetables is grass, grass or herbs and not they satisfy them, as time passes or the years have consequences for our organisms. The reduction of dependence on cooked foods. The goal is for the body to get the maximum amount of living enzymes, which helps clear toxins. Currently there are many smoothies or juices with excellent raw foods in the mornings. Greetings and success
Are you familiar with Lou Corona and his info on enzymes? Dan “The Man” McDonald references it and uses Lou’s products :)
the detoxification of these foods is really important, besides that it helps us to prevent many diseases. It can be said that these foods are complete because they conserve all their nutrients and, better yet, they provide nutrients. It is also amazing to see the different opinions of the people.
Important this information that you share with us friend, always attentive, I send a great greeting and a big hug from me. Êits and blessings.
Hola @robertgenito llevo muy poquito tiempo siguiéndote y me he dado cuenta que tus contenidos son de muy buena calidad, como este tema de la desintoxicación de los alimentos. Me llama mucho la atención, ya que tiene que ver con los alimentos que consumimos diariamente, y gracias ha esto nos podemos guiar para prevenir muchas de las enfermedades, y aparte de esto contienen muchos nutrientes que son de mucho beneficio para nuestra salud. Gracias por compartir, Saludos
Its very interesting how different people perceive it to be.
Hello very interesting today's topic, since it has to do with the foods that we consume daily, these help us to prevent certain diseases, having a positive impact on our body, they also contain vitamins and nutrients that make us more healthy. Regards!

Lolz in any case, it is one of the most self-controlling and hardest part of daily life. Goodluck with detoxification doping ;)
I don’t understand XD
:p i thought you were going to detoxificate yourself. Isnt it? That means you would be drinking some herbal medicine and stay hungry for at least 10 hrs a day
I have done my fair share in detoxification. This image speaks about my experiences and personal reflection :)
And that is epic :)) i feel this way too when i do it
hello friend a great greeting exelente frugivorous first and effective diet to detoxify your body to lower raw fruits and botanical vegetables
the detoxification of our body has become very common in the world, since some foods have become toxic and do much harm to human beings, as they are the flesh of animals over time can become something deadly for a person, That is why we must take care of ourselves and protect ourselves a lot. That is why it is vital to know a little about this, since we do not know when we can go through this situation.

Low vote because of the fish carcass on the top left! :D thank you tho!!
hello friend @robertgenito (59), it is extremely important to take care of our diet for our health. Food loses all its nutrients when cooked. An animated detox diet to stop eating processed foods, we can put it for fresh fruits and vegetables. BLESSINGS