Yeah, animals have bloods like we human beings, so its ethical not to kill nor eat nor hurt nor disrespect them.
This is similar to human beings like us, we must not kill nor eat nor hurt nor disrespect our fellow human beings. If our fellow human beings eat meat, respect them as what we do to animals because we human beings are also animals and we have to respect its other. And we human beings are much and far more important than animals
But human beings are higher than animals.
Just a few statements from the blog I'd read:
I believe that idea separates the human species from all other species on Earth. It is saying that we are not a part of the circle of life like other species are. A wolf can kill a deer, and that is nature – but if we were to hunt a deer, many of us would not consider that nature, and many vegans go as far as to call that murder. Humans are still animals and we are a part of nature, and a part of the natural cycle of life. Yes, we are unique, but so is every other species. We are not above all other species, or any species for that matter. I believe that it is this separation thinking that has gotten us into much of the trouble that we are in. We know that we have only one earth. We know that everything on Earth is connected. Rather than think of us as separate creatures, above all others, I think we should remember that we are animals too and we are a part of the food chains on Earth. We can be the predator and we can be the prey. But if we are to be predators we must use the knowledge we’ve gained to be ethical predators.