Just like nearly everything else we are told, the mainstream story of human history and evolution is a lie. You won't hear about it on TV, but research by anthropologists like Dr. Alan Walker have shown that early human ancestors were almost exclusively fruit eaters. We didn't start eating the flesh of other living beings until relatively recently in human evolutionary history, so recently that our anatomical structures that identify us as frugivores has not changed.
The Paleolithic diet concept of a diet centered around meat is an anthropological lie. Our ancestors didn't live off the flesh of other sentient beings. Humans are anatomically and biologically designed to thrive on fruit, nuts and seeds, like our Primate relatives still do today.
One of the most massive and muscular animals on earth, the Gorilla, eats a diet consisting of fruit, nuts, seeds and plants. But where do they get their protein???
I agree @thepatrick, we are tropical creatures.