A couple of times recently people have claimed that I 'force my beliefs' on them with regards veganism. I don't feel this is true at all and that this is actually mostly a kind of defence mechanism by those who intend to continue denying their real feelings and other aspects of reality..
It was a beautiful day here today in Britain, so I thought to make a video to express what I am feeling here - if you or anyone ever wonders why some vegans appear aggressive or angry - maybe these words will clarify what you are missing.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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This feels like the truth to me, I made the decision to go plant based, based on the things that you have talked about here.
Very salient point about the projection, I have't run into too many aggressive non-vegans. I did start a small war on Facebook one time by trying to give away some fish sauce, and casually mentioning that my vegan flat would never use it. Two teams were formed with angry words, in the end someone posted a picture of a deer they had just shot. It was a bit of a laugh I guess, people get very involved and opinionated.
It does seem to create a certain awkward silence when I suggest that veganism is a logical and connected decision, because like you say that might suggest that assumptions need to be questioned.
The one that I do get a lot is "oh you CAN'T eat that". And to that I reply that no I can eat whatever I wish to, but I choose to not eat animal products because of these four or five really good reasons, reasons that are bigger than me mostly. It's not a selfish personal thing, it's about getting past that.
Thanks for your comments here. The non vegans I have encountered (mostly online) tend to be more along the lines of trolls who may just be saying what they say to illicit a response - though in many cases I feel they are not deliberately trolling, but actually think what they are saying is valid.
To challenge assumptions that have led and are leading to millions of beings being killed every day and to accept responsibility for this situation, is a necessary and emotionally challenging process. Part of the problem is that to do this requires an emotional process/journey which many people find very difficult to make because they are so disconnected from their real emotions - they are 'stuck'. This stuckness is the same that allows for such killing in the first place - numbness cannot provide the needed insights into reality.
One of the saddest things about opposition to veganism is that people don't understand yet that vegan food can be as good and actually much better than non vegan food in every sense. I have some great restaurant reviews still to post here in the coming days. I can honestly say that the vegan places I have eaten at in the last 6 months are WAY better than all the other non vegan places I ate at in the past. I feel it is inevitable that within the next 100 years, veganism will be 'the norm'. :)
Ow nooooo, my feelings..... :P:P:P:P:P
By eating the food from food bearing plants, such as nuts, fruits and seeds - we do no harm.
Imagine not wanting others to force their views on you but wanting to force your views upon others. How can one hurt others knowingly and then turn around to play the victim? This is what I must ask all meat eaters. Kindness begets kindness.
Well said although you did get me into it haha. I was tittering on the edge to be honest 💯🐒
Good Post! Upvoted