Bread is delicious and helps prepare meals fairly quickly. But one could ask, is it healthy? The answer is simple: it depends.
Busting a myth in 3, 2, 1 ...
Ok, everything in excess is bad. But if you're not a celiac, gluten is not a green and angry enemy that will eat you. In fact, recent research has shown that Gluten Free (GF) foods are not healthier than those that contain it. They are also more expensive products and are actually not going to make the big difference in terms of your weight.
Here I leave you a link to the study: An investigation into the nutritional composition and cost of gluten-free versus regular food products in the UK
Actually wheat in adequate amounts is beneficial for your health because it provides protein, folic acid, zinc, iron and more. It helps with the digestion and does not contain cholesterol, and that is a thing your heart will appreciate.
But... Do not get excited yet. It turns out that the bread you usually buy at the supermarket does contain some enemies that want to hurt you. Yes, even if it is labeled as integral. How could that be possible?
White bread: when we consume only refined wheat, the nutritional value of the flour is mostly gone, since the bran and the germ have been eliminated.
Then let's make the equation: Wheat flour minus germ, minus bran = starch.
And here is another equation even easier: Refined wheat flour = Refined sugar.
Technically, they are not the same but they are very similar. The refined flour is quickly transformed into glucose, so these two things mentioned are just empty calories. This brings us to the next point:Whole wheat bread: have a try, go to the supermarket and check the ingredients of your favorite wholemeal bread. Surely you will be surprised. Sugar, stabilizers, preservatives, egg, vegetable shortening, among others. And if you read something you cannot pronounce, then it is worse!
These elements are not necessary to make a good bread, they are only there to stimulate your taste buds so that your palate needs them again, and again, and again. There are even some "wholemeal" breads in the market that are made with refined flour and only a little wheat germ and bran added to it. Then we could ask ourselves the question, why did they remove it in the first place? A little silly, don't you think?
When I understood what I just explained I decided to make my own bread, but the first time I tried it came out like little stones with which I could have hurt someone. But I did not give up. I was looking for a way to do it right, that's when I met a couple whose hands are blessed by God and they taught me a very simple way of making bread. The best part of it is that it is delicious.
So we started making our own bread and each time it gets better. Angel also makes bread, he is only eight years old and we help him a little when kneading, but in general terms, he is a good baker. He has fun making it and especially eating it.
Sweet bread recipe
Ingredients to prepare the yeast
- 2 cups. Warm water
- 4 tbsp Panela or organic whole cane sugar (if you use other natural sweeteners you may need to adjust the amount)
- 2 tbsp Instant or dry yeast
Ingredients for the dough
- 3 cups. Whole wheat flour
- 2 cups. White flour (the use of it in smaller proportions and mixed with whole grain flour high in fiber will result in a light and healthy bread that will not stick to your colon)
- ¼ tsp. Ground sea salt
- 2 ½ cups. Panela or organic whole cane sugar (if you use other natural sweeteners you may need to adjust the amount)
Yeast preparation
Mix the warm water, the sweetener of your choice and the yeast in a bowl and let it rest for a few minutes until it foams. This process that will activate the yeast.
Preparation of the dough
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and then add the water with the yeast you have prepared. Stir with a wooden spoon or the instrument of your choice. If you need more water, add it warm until all the flour is moist but not soggy. Then knead heavily, add flour as necessary so that it does not stick to your hands. The dough should be smooth and homogeneous. Let it rest covered with a plastic and a dishcloth somewhere warm until it doubles its size.
Caution: when the dough is in the process of growing, avoid hitting it so it doesn't fall and becomes small again.
When the dough doubles its size it is ready to mold your bread the way you want. And when you have it molded let it grow again in a warm place until it doubles its size again.
Preheat the oven at a high temperature (each oven is different, so you'll have to test). Finally, lower the temperature of the oven and introduce the loaves. The bread is ready when you see it brown and it is firm to the touch.
I recommend that the first time you bake bread, you keep constantly watching and tracking the time so that the second time you do it, when you are acquainted with all the details, then it would be easier. But never touch it hard when is soft because it will fall.
If these delicious loaves were made by my little Angel, you can also make them.
@veganmom now I feel like eating bread😂😂😂thank you for sharing😍
Well, then jump to your kitchen and bake some, now you have the recipe for a healthy bread. Thank you for comment