How to "really" eat healthy? Simply remember the 5 Colors of Phytonutrients

in #vegan7 years ago

Forget about the food pyramid, mother nature doesn't categorize food that way. Wondering why you have color visions, unlike cats and dogs? Mother nature wants you to eat all 5 colorful food. Your goal is to complete all 5 colors within each week. Remember "real" food are grown not born. Your body is a temple, not a tomb. Don't be a Tomb Raider. Be a Tarzan.

food colors.png

Here is your grocery list. Any given week, you want to make sure, you eat all the colors to decorate the temple of your body.


Paleo high protein diet will lead to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and anxiety. Plant-based whole food will lead to strength, health, and true happiness.


Low protein diet is actually better because of the autophagy (cell recycling) function. It's our bod's way to remove the old cells, damaged cells, and cancer cells. High protein diet causing autophagy process to slow down or shut down which leads to rapid aging, higher cancer risks, and higher heart attack risks.


The whole protein myth is a propaganda from the meat industry. Human milk is only 1% protein, yet human baby can grow rapidly. Our body function more like a recycling depot; instead of a factory. It only needs little bit of new protein from food intake each day. Most of our protein need is from autophagy (cell recycling).


Knowledge only lives on Goolge and Wikipedia. Wisdom lives in our actions and every cell of our body. Take the decisive action and become a plant-based whole food eater today!

By doing so, you will be saving 365 animal from dying in slaughter house; 14,600 lbs of grain and 401,500 gallons of water each year!

Use this vegan calculator and see your impact on the invironment:


Yes i.
Big up! Good article about very importent veggie energy!
Ital is vital..

"Most of our protein need is from autophagy (cell recycling)." I think you did not mention one important thing and that is that with the fruits that are available in developed countries it's quite hard to get the proper nutrition. If you live in a city with limited possibility to grow your own organic fruits/veggies you need to get fruits from supermarkets that are often grown in a greenhouse. Not only the do not taste well but they miss a lot of nutrition while containing insecticides, fertilizers etc. If you will follow your advice without taking special raw digestive supplements you might end up malnourished.

I wold say it's quite dangerous to recommend low protein diet with only such simple explanation. If you don't do it properly you can hurt your body and even have mental/spiritual problems because fruits contain lot of cold grounding energy. The key is enough green plants but again, if you live in a city like Tokyo, Seoul or even small but industrial city that's very hard to get. For instance in Prague or Vienna there are plenty of gardens and little forests in the city where you can pick some herbs and make green smoothies but you still need to pick places which are not too polluted or not to close to the fields which are heavily sprayed with chemicals to increase crop yields. Salads from supermarkets will just not do. In that case it is better to have more balanced diet with the amount of protein that makes you feel good and with a protein that you are able to digest well. For me that's for instance miso, tofu and legumes. I need to chew the green protein really, really well to get it digested. On the other hand I have problems with eggs, pork and milk. But If I skip meat totally I get anemic, so a good quality beef stake from time to time helps me with that.

One other thing:
"The whole protein myth is a propaganda from the meat industry. Human milk is only 1% protein, yet human baby can grow rapidly."

Yes that might be true but do not forget, that an active baby drinks milk even up to 6 - 8 times a day. Also the baby's digestive system is undamaged and the process you have described can work. But if you've been eating junk food for 35 years sudden switch to very alternative diet can be quite dangerous if you are not supervised by someone who is experienced. Some people are able to do it by themselves, but from my experience that is only a minority. What worked for you might not work for others, because everyone has different organism, with different strengths but also problems, genes, sicknesses etc. Although people might benefit from some general advices, there are things that need to be adjusted to the individual situation. It's good to do some research first and ask experienced people with real results and than also use your own common sense. That's my advice :-)

Thank you for sharing your ideas. Awesome :)