Why thank you, always a good day when come across like minded people. I hope one day you’ll find similar delicious vegan products in your stores too?
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Why thank you, always a good day when come across like minded people. I hope one day you’ll find similar delicious vegan products in your stores too?
At one store, I can get Tofutti cheese which looks somewhat similar.
I like the Tofutti cream cheese I’m unaware of they have other cheeses. Let me know if you try it and of you liked it?
Hey, I am speaking of these cheese slices: https://www.alles-vegetarisch.de/lebensmittel/kaesealternativen/scheibenkaese/tofutti-creamy-smooth-slices-cheddar-style-150g-161?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx6_ltYPp2AIVV18ZCh2CtA6LEAYYASABEgL8iPD_BwE :)
Oh sweet never knew they had slices thanks for sharing.