My Personal Tips for a Successful "Veganuary"

Happy last day of the year!  I was going to jump on the bandwagon and do a final post of the year anyway, but instead of reflecting on the past year I thought it would be more helpful to give some tips for those joining in for Veganuary!  I have had a request from an old co-worker and friend for tips, but here in the Steemit world @lolzwithlisa is also doing a #veganuarycontest and documenting her own experiences to start out the new year!

While I have not been perfect this entire time, I made the switch to go plant-based with my diet about four and a half years ago.  Initially I still ate some eggs and occasionally allowed for some dairy, but then I slowly started phasing even those out of my cooking at home.  While I still keep a few things in the kitchen for my boyfriend to eat on occasion, I have switched to a completely plant-based style of cooking.  I have enjoyed it so much that I started the blog this past year!  While I still do not consider myself an expert in the vegan lifestyle, I have learned enough tips along the way to be able to share with you some ideas to help this January.  Perhaps like me, after a month you will be inspired to continue on even after the challenge has ended! ;)

I am sure I will try to contribute throughout the entire month, but here are my initial tips to those starting out.  Many of these tips apply not only to beginning a vegan or plant-based lifestyle, but also to those just wanting to adopt some healthy food habits in general.

1)  Clean out your kitchen.  Lisa already did a post on this, and I definitely echo the sentiment.  Get out the junk and fill up your refrigerator and cabinets with lots of fruit, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and of course beans!  If non-compliant food is not in the house, you will be less likely to eat it.  On the same note, if you have good foods readily available you will be more likely to eat that.

2)  Make a meal plan.  I have talked about this before, and will probably continue to write posts about prepping and planning.  Whether you prepare everything all at once like I do or just make a list for the week and buy your groceries ahead of time, you need to put some thought into your weekly meals.  It takes a little more work at first, but if you already know what you are going to eat it takes the decision-making out of the way when you get busy during the week.  Plus if you are new to this type of eating, it will help you learn what types of meals you can make without meat and animal products.  I have been doing this long enough that sometimes I just go to the farmers market or the store and buy what inspires me, but even if I do that I still sit down when I get home and write out what I am going to make with it.  Other weeks I lack my own inspiration so I'll sit down with some of my favorite cookbooks and pick some meals from them to make.

3)  Eat enough food.  This was a tough one for me to learn when I first switched my diet.  If you are eating lots of vegetables, they are full of nutrients but many of them are quite light on calories.  I realized I needed to eat a good bit more food to make sure I was getting enough fuel to support my active lifestyle.  I also try to make sure I eat plenty of whole food starches (sweet potatoes, corn, quinoa, wild rice, farro, oats) and of course a few cups of beans daily to meet my caloric needs.  Play around with your serving sizes to figure out what works for you.  If you are feeling sluggish, it is most likely because you are not eating enough.

4)  Eat the right foods.  While you need to eat enough, you also want to make sure it is enough of the right things.  It is easy to rely on some of the mock meats and other vegan junk food when initially making the switch (no judgement here, on a rare occasion I'll pick up some vegan kielbasa or veggie crumbles), but try to make sure you are filling up with real food before the processed stuff.  I would imagine the motivation for a lot of you is not only to go vegan for ethical and environmental reasons, but also to be healthy.  Oreos are vegan, but most would agree they are not a health food.

5)  Pick vibrant foods.  This is one of my favorite tips to talk about and use in my own cooking.  Eating colorful foods not only ensures good health, but it helps keep your meals interesting and pleasurable to look at.  If all your meals are dull and drab you will be more likely to want to go off-plan.  On the other hand, if you add in lots of colors like red and yellow bell peppers, purple cabbage, blueberries and the like it will make you look forward to your plant-based meals more.

6)  Find people to follow that inspire you.  There are so many amazing vegan blogs out there to follow, and plenty of wonderful Steemians with great content!  Some of my favorite ladies posting delicious vegan recipes and inspiration on here are @lenasveganliving, @pusteblume, @amy-goodrich, @babettxx, @atmemestable, @plantbasedmiri, @monika-homa, @heart-to-heart (she may still be somewhat dormant on posting--but she's got some amazing recipes on her page).  I'm sure I am forgetting some wonderful people, so please forgive me if I have missed you and leave a comment below!  I keep finding new people every week, so I am sure that list will keep on growing.

7)  Accept right away that not everything you make is going to be delicious.  You may have to choke down a few duds during the learning process, plain and simple.  Obviously you need to find things you like to make this lifestyle stick, but it takes a bit to figure out how to cook without rich, fatty animal products.  It also takes time for your tastebuds to adjust to healthier foods if you are used to eating a lot of junk.  You may also find you like some vegetables cooked better than raw, and vice versa.  Play around with how you cook things, as well.  Brussels sprouts are not so tasty boiled, but if you roast them you may want to eat the whole pan!

8)  Don't give up!  You may slip up.  You may have a really bad day, or bad week.  Don't let it totally derail your efforts.  I keep learning how to be kinder to myself in all areas of life.  None of us are perfect, but we tend to expect just that.

I could probably add more, but I think that is plenty to start out the year strong!  I am happy to answer questions or give advice, so please feel free to reach out if you like.  Thank you to @lolzwithlisa for sharing her veganuary journey and for making it a fun contest!  Check out her initial post here if you want to join in either to start your own journey or to lend your advice.  :)

Happy and healthy new year!!


These are really some excellent tips! I am going to share it to make it visible to more people! Thank you!
I wish you a happy, healthy and successful 2018. I am looking forward to more of your posts!

Thank you for the kind support and tip! One of the best things from 2017 was getting on here and finding so many wonderful people to connect with. Sending you well wishes for 2018 and beyond!

Thank you so much! 😘

These really are quite helpful & I'll be reviewing these again at some point I'm sure!
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by @chelsea88 (not a bot)

Thank you! I hope it gives both herbivores and omnivores some inspiration for a healthier diet in the new year. ;)

Hello, what a great article, it is very well detailed, it must have taken a lot of time, right?
You deserve to be more popular on the steemit platform because your work provided and exciting and very impressive;)
Nice to meet you, my new friend.
I hope you can go see my content on my blog;) and you give your opinion, ok?
Have a good day ;)

Thank you. I will definitely stop by your page!

Good work, very easy to read and digest. My family have been fully Vegan for just over 2 years and I still say it was the best decision we have made. We all glow with health and energy. People often worry that they will be sluggish and weak, I can tell you that we have 1 MMA fighting teenager and 2 little Boxers in the house and all of their coaches comment on how much energy they have. Keep up the good work and please check out some of my posts, I'm only a noob and trying to find my way around!

Upvoted and resteemed!

Thank you so much @moonunit for taking the time to write such a nice comment. And congrats to you and your family for your vibrant health! That's awesome to hear how well your children are thriving, and I totally agree that it has a noticeable impact as an athlete. I will definitely stop by your page and look forward to interacting with you more as you get settled in. I still feel like I am fairly new, but I have found such a wonderful community of people on here. Check out @lenasveganliving and her #fruitsandveggiesmonday contest if you haven't already. That was one of the ways I started finding other plant-based folks and Lena is a lovely person. :)