Winner, Winner, No Chicken Dinner, ('cuz it's Vegan!) Week 4 #veganwednesday Contest + Week 5 Announcement! πŸ‹πŸŒπŸπŸŽ

in #veganwednesday β€’ 7 years ago


It's simple! Everyone can enter! Everyone can have a chance to win!

Happy #veganwednesday everyone! Welcome to WEEK 4! (Can you believe it's been a month already?)

If you're new here and haven't heard of our #veganwednesday challenge yet well then come on in, we're happy to have you here! There have been a few tweaks along the way so please read the rules when entering (don't worry- it's all easy and fun!)

Creating this contest for me, is a huge piece of my heart. I love food, healing and sharing inspiration and adapting my diet truly changed my life! It's wonderful to have you here, submitting pieces of your heart to me and sharing this with the world! I love it and am so happy I started this and am hoping it only continues to grow <3

My intent is to bring awareness, conversation and relationship over the concept of veganism... whether or not you are vegan does not matter! You can enter anyway!

Thank you to everyone for their wonderfully vegan entries! You all are amazing and I just love going through them all, connecting with you and spreading this more and more every week!

How Winning Works:

I improved my winning system by using @papa-pepper's method of 50% of post payout going to 1st place, and 12.5% to a second place and third place each!

Remember, if you don't put your link on this post, I may not find it! Also, another reminder to please mention this contest in your post... I am wanting other vegans/plant-based/foodies/interested Steemians to be able to find where we have our fun!


Rules of the game:

I am notchyourmotha! I'm not here to tell you what or what not to eat but my contest, my rules so your entry must be vegan/plant-based ie: nothing can come from an animal!

As my loving and open rules state- you, yourself do not need to be vegan to enter this contest but your post does have to be! That means if it's a recipe please be sure to remember that animal products are not vegan! If you need help, feel free to comment and ask me!

What day can I enter?

Originally I had meant for this to be a Wednesday only challenge however, I've extended it so that you can enter whatever day you want (much easier for you to enter that way!), but I will release the winners for the week on Wednesdays so the cutoff for the week will be Monday at 12UTC to give me time to go through them all. If you submit after that time, don't worry! I will consider your entry for the following week!

What's love got to do with it?

Please mention this contest in your post! I am trying to get a friendly community together here with similar interests so the more people who can find us, the more we can grow, the more we can learn, the more we can love! If you meet someone vegan-licious or plant-based-tastic, invite them to join in! The more the veggier!

How to participate:


  • Post what vegan means to you! This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)
  • Tag it within #veganwednesday (using your first tag will help me find it!) and I will go through them every week, choosing a winner and announcing them each week!
  • If you do not tag it in #veganwednesday, sadly it can't count
    (I will have guest judges help me from time to time as well as we grow!)
  • Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!)
  • I will create a post announcing the winner each week along with any deserved mentions as to help foster a strong community bond for those of us who are trying to share our messages, love and inspiration with the world!
  • Only positive posts will be considered. This isn't a war for animal rights or a call out to tell people how to live! It's a loving, caring, sharing invitation to get to know each other and support our community!
  • Your content will be evaluated on how much heart you show! Pull on my heart strings and you got yourself a prize! <3

WINNER, WINNER (No Chicken Dinner!)


1st Prize: $14.52 SBD
Alkaline VS Acidic

This post is a great, loving example of not telling people what to eat or what to do (that is not the #veganwednesday way!) instead it's from a personal health perspective (my favourite!) detailing positive effects of giving up meat! Awesome article @sheapureness, I could feel the love!

2nd Prize: $3.62 SBD
Raw, Vegan Chocolate Caramel Fudge

We had so many cupcakes this week that I was dreaming constantly of having some in my life however, @lenasveganliving offered me something I could not refuse! I am a sucker for refined sugar free, gluten free and raw treats so this recipe stole my heart! Having so many 'restrictions' is tough and I commend @lenasveganliving for doing a terrific job showing us how to make something delicious and yet good for you! <3

3rd Prize: $3.62 SBD
Beautiful Borscht!

@pusteblume delivers us a wonderfully colorful harvest in a super healthy recipe! Did you know that borscht is super good for PMS/menstrual symptoms? The deep color complimented by her very own vegan sour cream is a treat to take note of! Thank you for sharing! Beautiful presentation by the way <3

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry this week!

This contest is a way to bring the vegan/plant-based community together and show others what is possible through inspiration! You are all filling my heart up every week! Thank you for helping me share this knowledge and inspiration!

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a weekly prize, give me a shout over in Discord or, the vegan community would be mighty grateful to have some more incentive to reward our lovely authors for their time!

I encourage you all to connect with each other if you feel drawn to- let's make this group a loving, supportive, engaging community to call home!

Sending you love and gratitude for showing up here today! I LOVE #veganwednesday!


A note from @heart-to-heart's heart:
I have a compelling urge to inspire and assist anyone who would like to improve their health!
I would love for you to experience the same incredible health benefits I have received from changing what I put into my body.
I hope this challenge inspires you to consider new options in your diets and serves to help us connect to each other! Please engage with me here in the comments, on or in Discord! I am so excited to launch this initiative and can't wait to meet new friends and see your posts!


hearttoheart signature.png

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Congrats to the winners this week! I'm back in action this week to join in the fun:

Yay! So happy to have you back and can't wait to see your entry this week <3

@heart-to-heart I am really chuffed and shocked to have won the #veganwednesday challenge. I would also like to thank you personally as you have been quite welcoming towards me taking time out to responded to my question really supportive I must say. I am also really happy to be a part of this tribe all the beautiful vegan recipes to try out amazing thanks you #veganwednesday member your are great love n light to you.

You shouldn't be. If we play we can win something, even if is just love and new friends.
Here, you won some energy also for going on ;-)


Aww @sheapureness I am so happy to have you here, taking part in this! You have no reason to thank me, I am thrilled to be able to help, support and encourage you however I can <3

I think I can speak for us all when we say we are happy you are a member as well and I for one am looking forward to your entry this week :)

<3 Huge hug! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful addition to this beautiful community we are building <3

This is actually some wonderful work! Followed

This contest is a wonderful community! Everyone that enters is so amazing! I'm happy to have you come along :)

I've eaten cheese today! But it's been 2 months without meat so i'm pretty chuffed!

Pretty fruits and vegetables in your article :D

Oh you're doing pretty great then, I'd say! Doing everything at once is really hard and it seems like only yesterday we were talking about you getting started at all so I am really proud of you <3 Sending a big hug your way!

Thank you! Yes it's gone quickly and I've enjoyed thinking more consciously about what i'm eating. :D

Awesome! I am super happy to hear that! Congrats :)

Congrats to all the winners! Lovely entries as usual! I just love this challenge my friend!
And here is my entry for the next one! Hope you enjoy this new recipe!

Moroccan Zaalouk

Thanks so much!

Oh my goodness that looks delicious! <3 I'm so excited to see you entering again and happy to see it's a Moroccan dish- so fun!

@thekitchenfairy you really are a kitchen fairy ;) Right on time too :) I love all of your yummy recipes, keep them coming <3

Awesome thanks for entering again @thekitchenfairy! You must never leave your kitchen! You are incredible! 😘

Wow! I love veggies <3

Lots of veggies in this contest! Feel free to enter and play along with us this week :)

Thank you so much Dear @heart-to-heart , I appreciate this sooooooooo much!!! By the way is that cutest puppy yours? πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ

Hi @lensveganliving :) You are most welcome, your deserts are to die for!

Yes, this is Luna <3 I just got her and her sister last week from a dumpster, poor babies! I'll write a post about them and show you tons of pictures of their adorableness soon!

Thank you so much Dear, I am really happy you like them. I will post the final caramel dessert cake today.

And those puppies are two??? Oh my goodness, in a dumpster!!! Thank God you found them Dear @heart-to-heart, their luck really turned around now when you have them. Now they are one of the luckiest puppies on the planet. Just don't spoil them too much lol. I am looking forward to read the post and see the photos. πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ

I just saw the cake- YUM! πŸ€—

There are two yes, I don't think I have posted anything with both of them yet because they are always running around and it can be hard to get their attention haha they are HANDFULS!

Yes, it's sad but it happens a lot here :( I am happy to be able to help them and wish I could help more but it's a lot of work and can be quite costly but I help how I can =D These babies don't like momma on Steemit very much though ;)

Oh my goodness, they are just like my twin grandsons lol. I am so glad you found them. I know this is a worldwide issue and it breaks my heart. Good luck with taking care of them, but you are young and full of energy, so I know you can keep up and give them everything they need.............they will give back all the love you are giving them 10 fold πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ

You're right, they do! I love them so much! I am going to keep rotating through the babies at the shelter that need the most help, when they have low immunities, get them healthy and then help them find a permanent home. It's a lot of work which is why I have had much less time for the culinary competitions :( But I feel like I am needed to help them so, that's what I will do :)

That is very honorable Dear @heart-to-heart and I guess that may be your true calling. You are doing very well on Steemit so you don't need to join challenges anymore. It's time to turn the leaf I guess. I wish you all the best.......... love & blessings my Dearest. Keep us posted πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ

Nice to see good creative contests.

Maybe i'll find new contests when appear in my blog ;-)


This one is really fun! Feel free to enter this week :)

Oh my!!!! Ship that puppy to me please :)

SO cute right? I am so in love with her and her sister! I need to post about them so you can see them in all their adorable-ness! <3

Congratulations to all winners, I am just about to check the entries. Finally I have time to that. This is my new entry Dear @heart-to-heart the last of the vegan caramel series

YAY! More caramel! πŸ€— Guess what Lena? My maple syrup got here this morning! Praise the maple tree! 😘
I'm super excited to see what I can use it for. It's a small bottle so I will cherish it! haha

Oh wow, that's awesome!!! I am sure you come up with something really yummy. Make sure you let me know when you do πŸŒΈπŸ’–πŸŒΈ