Hello there my fellow lovers of Truth and Transparency here on our Blockchain. My post today is most certainly the most important post I have written to date on this horrific attack on the American People which was the Mandalay Shooting of Las Vegas ! As I am pretty sure that I have some very strange and indeed revealing information's to give you, that will blow wide open the current clearly BS narrative we are being fed by lame-stream media and the force of order surely behind them !
We have been repeatedly told " ad finitum" that the Las Vegas Metro Police and FBI believe all this to be the work of a lone shooter by the name of Paddock that was recently radicalised by Islam. With him just deciding to launch an attack which frankly even a professional hit team from Mossad would have difficulty pulling off ! With multiple reports now surfacing on the internet of multiple shooters in multiple locations all too far from one another to be the work of just one man !! I will be doing a post on the existance of multiple shooters next, but for now this post is far more important and I think it sink,s the presnt lone wolf narrative totally !
So today I am sharing two super important films, the first sadly refuses to play here embeded in steemit , so i suggest you copy the url from the video in my poost ( rightclick on the video window ) on this page and go to youtube and enter it there so that it will play for you with no no problem ) Please then go to 16.20 mins into this video to see the part which caught my attention this afternoon ! The thing that she brings to light in this video and its significance to this case of mass murder will I promise, blow you away as indeed it has done me !!
The narrator of the video points out using Google earth, two, I do admit extremely strange looking towers set in a privately fenced area just across the road and behind the stage of the Village arena where the concert was held by the Route 91 organisers !
What did these two towers used to be or do ? Does anybody maybe here know ?
So she explains that she believes that Paddock was not alone and that there were at least two other shooters involved if not a whole team of professional shooters with each their own specific target to be hit ! There are reports of shooters not only on the 32nd floor of Mandalay, but also at the Belagio Hotel, Tropicana and also around the area of the Hardrock Cafe all seemingly doing thier collective hit simulataneously starting at 10.05 pm and ending at approximately 11.20p.m ! But with no real witnesses or footage of anyone holding a gun sadly, but with apparently blood and broken glass everywhere in all of the lobbies ! Again why are the autorities in " charge " of this case not telling us this ?! Why do we need to learn it from just ordinary people who have the courage to share their experience on youtube through their respective accounts ?? Suspicious indeed no ?
Rockin. News
Streamed live on 8 Oct 2017
So then I got looking on Google maps to check out these " TWIN " towers myself ! Towers that do absolutely overlook the entire area where the people were mowed down by heavy automatic gunfire ! She is right, they do have each one a door at the base which does suggest also maybe a way of obtaining access inside in order to walk up possibly a stairwell to obtain a perfect vantage point for a would be shooter ?? Seeing as the whole of the police were being sent to the 32nd floor by this security guard " Campos " , now totally missing and with no news , who said that he been shot by a man in the 32nd floor of the Mandalay ! So possibly with this perfect distraction and focus created on this locality, our team of two shooters, one for each tower could just once finished slip away into the night from where they had come !
Paddock was a perfect Patsy as I have been saying all along ! I am pretty sure he is not even dead and the photo we saw released of his dead body is staged and that the man filmed later gambling in Atlantic City was indeed him, possibly just before he left for the Philippines and that 100,000 dollars he had sent the week before the attack or plan !
So as I am looking at the towers on Google maps, as I zoom in real close I notice some thing just so strange I just blinked a few times in order to register my total amazement ! As when you zoom in real close onto the base of those two weird towers you will see a point of interest button, signalled by a Google maps user which say of all things " Shooters Position " !! Is that some weird joke ?? It,s cateogorised in google as a bar and is even up for sale apparently, as mentioned in the description of this notation in Google maps ! How does that even make sense ? a bar there ? its a total wasteland and a fenced off ans seemingly well protected locality ! Yet as you will see from my screen shot shown below this is what is indicated !! Now that is for me plain crazy, possibly a heads up from somebody who knows where the shooters were?? Secrelty hiding in plain veiw for anyone who uses Google Maps can find it , as indeed i did myself !!
So if all this is not weird enough already, I then see yet another video on Youtube, with these two towers being depicted in its thumbnail, so I watch this one of course ! When it just hits me like a hammer the blinding Truth of it all ! As what you see here is clearly gunfire coming from those two towers and you can even see when you blow up and correct the density and contrast etc the distinct flash of an Automatic weapon with a very tell tale cross style pattern pattern in the muzzle flare which indicates that the guns were fitted with" flash surppressors" which makes the postion of the shooter less appparent to the target ! Pretty ruthless indeed and again essential as the plan was clealry to have all attention,s turned to the Mandalay Hotel and our 64 year old crazy lone wolf shooter that would end up being reported as being dead of course before he could be questioned, how convenient for the planners of this digusting event ?
You see the distinct cross like flash around the centre of that light, this is the distinctive flash pattern of a weapon fitted with a " flash surppresor " which prevents the target from easily locating the provenance of incoming fire !!
"Flash suppressors attempt to suppress the flash mechanically, by interfering with the shock wave using either a cone or a series of slots at the muzzle of the firearm." in the photo below you can see distinctly four points to the flare and so this flash suppression had four slots !! "
I think now we can see and even say that there was most certainly more than just Paddock doing the killing, I even doubt he himself ever needed to fire a shot ! As he did not really need too as clearly there was a trained professional team of shooters placed at high and strategically placed vantage points which were never suspected as everybody was too busy screaming " the shooter is on the 32nd Floor of Mandalay !! <nd running up the stairs without even looking at alternative possibilities ! Floor 32 was the perfect decoy which allowed all these other shooters not to be seen or even suspected !
Infact these two towers for me are certainly very symbolic of the killing " Ground Zero " of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, an earlier sacrafice of innocent human lives to empower the Darkness and its hunger of power ! Another Satanically driven murder of many by the few for their dark and nefarious reasons and profit !! Of course here in Las Vegas there was even a Black Pyramid for which these poor people were sacraficed or maybe more "Harvested" as suggested by the very name of this " Festival " now written in Blood !
Look do you not see the emblematic 911 hiding here?
Harvest Festival Route !!
Your thoughts and reactions as ever most appreciated in my comment section below. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and ideas on this very worrying matter !
Great information as always @gomeravibz it's interesting you make the 911 and satanic connection in reference to the two towers. Indeed the number 32 is often used in reference to 32nd degree masons, is the floor number some kind signal to those in the know? I don't know but it's an interesting idea! Great work my friend, just when I think you can't come with any more information, you do it again! :)
the flashes she refers to in the windows of the hotel itself are, as far as i am aware, a reference to the flashing 'strobe' light that was present before, during and after the event.
how would shooters on those towers be suspended in mid air above the towers?
surely it makes more sense that they are the standard lights that are on most tall structures to prevent planes hitting them? they are next to a runway.
these two towers are just 250 feet of the ground @ura-soul @ura-soul, I think any " known or registered " plane or even helicopter would find themselves in serious troublewith the F.A.A. to be flying over Vegas at that height !! So these towers have no legal requirement for them to be fitted with hazard lights for air traffic !! But from the photo i have shared here, you can see the lattice of steel rods on which the cement has been placed, so they are not suspended in mid air at all but hidden behind the cage of steel !! It actually makes for a perfect crows nest from which to dominate the concert area where those people where killed !
The FAA document here states that all tall structures higher than 200ft are required to have a light fitted: http://www.unimar.com/federal-lighting-regulations/
I dont think over populated areas planes are allowed to fly at that altitude @ura-soul, that needs to be also checked too ) But look at these recently taken photos in broad daylight ! Do you see a structure with lights fitted ? I for one, do not !
it doesn't matter whether planes are intended to fly over the area or not, the lights are fitted anyway - presumably for cases where planes are going to make a crash landing or are navigating in fog etc.
you won't necessarily see the lights in the daytime, it is necessary to check videos from the area taken at night.
I can assure you @ura-soul that there are no lights fitted to these two towers, one of the videos which i linked tells us that there are indeed no navigational lights fitted to these towers !!
here's a video from the top of the hotel that appears to show two red cycling lights on the top of them:
oh, also - there is this appearance of someone alleged to be 'jesus': https://steemit.com/dtube/@ura-soul/vfj274hs
this is the same man i am seeing on facebook under that same name !! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002307013156 . In my post https://steemit.com/news/@gomeravibz/where-has-the-hero-of-the-vegas-shooting-gone-jesus-campos-is-missing-and-has-not-been-seen-since-october-1st , I show a few photos taken from there, you will see his friends all making what i believe to be mexicain gang signals, I am wondering if he and some of friends might be CIA trained Zeta members ?
I think they kept him rather than kill a loose end because their story is falling apart, so now they are usiing his testimony on TV to back up with his " word " that this is what happened !! But we all know this is B.S and if you were to ask me Jesus Campos and that other weirdo at his side on that soft couch are the two shooters working from the 32 floor ! Possibly the killers of Paddock as he was shit before anything started , hence the clean bronze spent shell cases lying on top of the blood pool in the photos released of the 32nd floor "dead man "
It's certainly clearly a very dubious part of the whole story, yes.
It has to be asked why he disappeared for all this time, cancelling far more reputated and watched TV emmisions than this prerecorded program designed for housewives as they to the housework chores !! That does make sense at all and as you say is extremly dubious !! He has been heavily worked on and programmed to robotically repeat the narrative that the powers that be are desperately trying to establish and defend ! But nobody believes a word and rightly so as the facts of this case say otherwise !!
he did appear to be carefully repeating a scripted response at one point in the conversation at least, yes. i think it is worth investigating the casino operators as being prime candidates for involvement here.
well thats right toally agree, James Murren known donater of millions to ANTIFA activist groups, CAIR otherwise known as the Muslim Brotherhood too ! He sold 20 million worth of shares in his own company just weeks before these attacks ! Sounds very like the same tactics as Larry Silverstein, new owner of the Twin Towers ! Plus there is Chertoff and Adelson who are both involved in this Body Scanner company called OSI, Then you have ofcourse Soros as ever buying a huge amount of stocks in OSI just before these attacks ! As I pointed out in earlier posts, follow the money and find those Cui Bono sorts !
Checks out. You have the next piece of the puzzle in your Discord DM's.
Thanks so much for your unbelievable level of support to my posts @disarrangedjane )
No problem!! This post was viewed 126 times, and only 42 upvotes? That's...odd. There is a handy little bot you can join, that will let you know if your posts are "undervalued", and by how much. But, if you are a sensitive little soul, like myself, getting those kinds of notifications on the regular will just piss you off. Nevertheless, I'd like to include your posts as a permanent "Steemian post of the week", on "Jane's CHAOS Show" on Friday evenings over on MSP Waves Radio, as I believe your posts are ground-breaking, eye-opening, and worthy of more visibility here on Steem. @gomeravibz
Hey @disarrangedjane thats really so encouraging and nice of you to say ! Im doing my best to dig and find like any good dog worthy of his nose ) thats really awesome thanks so much !!
Sempre Narwhalia miss @battleaxe !
This makes a lot more sense than the MSmockingbirdM story.
But, I believe there is more than just these two shooting spots.
If these two towers were used, then powder traces should be easy to confirm... if you could get access to them.
it will all be cleaned up now, the spent casings and the powder traces !! too late ! But this is merely the placement of the guns that did the real damage at mandalay bay ! But yes for sure there were also other shooters at Belagio Hotel, Tropicana and at Hard Rock Casino too !! It was a well planned and coordinated attack by professionals with militasry training asnd backing from somebody so high up the Truth is hidden from veiw of anyone that would dare look further @buildreofcastles ! thanks for the comment and support !
They are going to trot out that security gaurd on Ellen show this week ...... I'm sure it's a setup to disprove any one questioning the event.
yeah for sure ! I actually believe that our hero of the 32nd floor could be one of the shooters !! Along with that Australian Hodges who is reported as having been staying in room 134, the room that was booked by Paddock but using his philipino girlfriends name !! What was this guy doing in that room !! we clearly have actors bei ng portrayed as witnesses if you ask me !! thanks @regularguy for your comment )
And there was no audience apparently. Very suspect
Yeah just that fake canned laughter of the 50,s ! So this MGM owned program is the first place to get to talk to this keywitness since his highly suspect disappearance the day of the shooting ? So great that she was able to plug the NFL and MGM at the same time, I bet the shareholders are all happy now to see their stocks rise in value !! That woman looks like the Madcow, I mean a twin of BS and Deep State propoganda !! She is now one of the guilty too !
when everything is in search, most likely will be found ,,,, i see this a good post ,,,, i like it .... best regards.....
We can but hope that you are right @wandimaru ! But right now it would seem there is not a concerted effort on behalf of the "investigators" of this event to find the truth or its perpertrators !
may the truth in into ourselves we can find .... so we can take it to the top surface.... :)
sooooo what your telling me is to buy more crypto
do you think crypto coins can protect you from total evil taking over this world 2bitcoinsflood ?? thanks for the support man )
Tragic event. So sad that people can just wake up and decide to end peoples lives.
Thanks for sharing
It might come as a surprise to you but there are many people who kill people without a whim or a care ! But yes as you say @abasifreke, extremely sad and Id say more depressing !
Some humans are just something else.
There is a lot of info coming out some of which must be disinformation put out by the orchestrators of this FF. Not really sure how this hypothesis would work however I'm 100% sure the story the MSM are spouting is a crock.
Paddock will end up dead somewhere and soon I would suspect, he's a massive loose end.
Well done buddy.
this post has a good logical point, wondering if is the police and media there quiet?
This is just my thoughts its not meant to be taken... as a diss to the OP or anyone. We all have our own opinions. This is I think about the 10th iteration of the multiple shooter conspiracy I have seen. All a bit different but all claim the FBI and the entire Las Vegas Police dept covered it up. How would that even be possible? No leaks? We cant even keep leaks from the FBI. The same FBI who recently had their entire toolkit leaked online. Keeping such a thing under wraps with the Las Vegas PD involved would be next to impossible. They are just people with the same feelings and concern for life as everyone else.
Maybe there was a second shooter. Maybe there wasn't. But I see no conspiracy. Everyone wants to think they know more than the next person. That their truth is right and everyone else's is wrong. If it was a conspiracy don't you think they would have used a Muslim or better an illegal Muslim immigrant and not a random white guy? At least that would give a reason for the act to further the war on terror and more instill fear and support for the war? People are seeing what they want to see. Finding a google map tag means nothing. I could have left that.
I know people want answers. It seems wrong that some dude with little history would snap and do such a horrible thing. We want a motive. I hope we get one. I hope people get some closure. I dont think it was a satanic harvest! Sometimes people with mental illness do crazy things and trying to determine motive is not always possible.
I mean come on people. You see what you want to see. Wild speculation is much more interesting than the somber truth. Armchair detectives are also who told us Sandy Hook was a hoax and Pizza gate was real.
so sorry about that. Yesterday my posts kept saying "network error - not posted",,,,, so I tried again and again and again and with half and the other half, nothing seemed to work..... lol --- little did I know.
Again, so sorry about that.