On February 9, 2018, late in the afternoon on a Friday, the Associated Press (AP) released the original PDF of Stephen Paddock’s autopsy results by linking to it in one of their articles. Rather quickly, within an hour or two, the autopsy report was spiked out of the article. Subsequent coverage by news outlets have covered the bombshell report by focusing on anti-anxiety medication being found in Paddock’s system, and how the autopsy reveals no clues on motive.
The media all ran with the story that he was sober when he did the shooting but they all missed this big question about his time of death.
What is being hidden from the public, and this appears to be the explanation as to why law enforcement has fought tooth and nail to not have Paddock’s autopsy results publicly released, is Paddock’s Time Of Death — his Time Of Death is 1200 hours (Noon) on 10/2/17; that is the day after the shooting, and approximately fourteen hours after the shooting into Route 91 ceased.
Sheriff Lombardo has told the public that Metro and SWAT first arrived on the 32nd floor at approximately 10:17PM on October 1st, but they did not initially breach the suspect’s room because the shooting had already ceased. They breached the door to room 32–135 at approximately 11:20PM. And, according to the police scanner audio, officers did indeed arrive upon a dead body in 32–135 after breaching the door — but we now know that could not have been Paddock’s body, as he was not killed until the following day.
So what is going on here. Is this a mistake by the coroner? If so I think they would of revised this report before it went public. One thing to note here is this autopsy was done on Oct 6th which could of skewed the time of death results given that it was 5 days later. I'm no expert in this field but it does seem strange, maybe it's a normal thing to be that far off, I just don't know much about autopsy results.
If anyone knows more about the process they use to determine time of death and how accurate it is 5 days later please share.
No- The autopsy is supposed to get as close to the time of death as possible. They found him dead right? I scanned the report looking for a "Postmortem Interval". I did not see it. Did I miss it? This could affect drug testing results and much more. If there were other shooters and he was a patsy he could have been shot hours earlier. We need to find the cause behind this error. Call it up for review.
"The determination of time of death is of crucial importance for forensic investigators, especially when they are gathering evidence that can support or deny the stated actions of suspects in a crime.
The time elapsed from the moment of death until a corpse is discovered is also known as the postmortem interval, or PMI.
Both the time of death and the postmortem interval cannot be determined with 100% accuracy, particularly when a body is found in advanced state of decomposition or is recovered from fire, water, or ice. Therefore, time of death and PMI are given as estimates, and can vary from hours to days, or from months to years, depending on each particular case."
Since he wasn't out in a field getting eaten by bugs and rained on, it ought to be relatively easy to get a more accurate time of death.
I'm guessing if they received the body days afterward that meant he was probably stuck in a freezer for a while which might explain the inaccurate time of death.
Your guess is as good as any. They need to call it up for review.
Definitely not the only strange thing about this "event".
Maybe the mistake is that 1200 hours really meant midnight.
Midnight would be 0000 or 2400 in military time.
Boy I can't wait for this one to crack wide open!!!
You won't be alive when the truth unravels...
Very good news. Hopefully everything is clearly revealed about the shooting incident😪
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Interesting Post! I recently made a post were i talked about FOMO! Chck it out!