Boom...good bang of the nail directly on the right spot...Thank you @barge we DO need to recapture the innocence of our inner child and play, with joy and abandon, at the things we love!
Just as we did as children...healing the inner child is a HUGE aspect of this and doing so adds immeasurably to the evolvement of us humans as a species.
If you liked govern-mente I have stacks more coming up in articles on etymology and what words truly mean...if we are indeed berthing/birthing a new reality from the ashes of this fading and unconscious dream of the old paradigm we NEED to know exactly what word spells we are creating with each and every word we utter. They are the logos...the word...and very powerful things to be used carefully and wisely.
I am interested in etymology and language(s). I look forward to reading your posts on the subject.
Yes, it's a truly fascinating subject isn't it? If you like languages and etymological discourse I will have some gems to share soon...thank you for supporting my articles and staying tuned in! ⭐️