Change: diet and blog

in #vegitarian7 years ago

I have written about a lot of subjects and I really have a hard time sticking to one thing sometimes. There is so much interesting stuff going on that it is hard to stick to just one topic.
Usually I write about one of my passions which is crypto and blockchain and helping people to onboard (and now the meetups and conference that we are organising)
But that does not mean I do not like photography anymore or cooking or urban homesteading...

So if you follow me you will have to tolerate the different subjects from time to time I guess.

So yesterday we stayed vegetarian and ate what might be a weird combo but tasted really good.


  • pimientos de Padron
  • Spargel/ green asparagus
  • Sweet potatoe

This was the appetiser, really tasty and reminded us of our years abroad living in Spain and Portugal.
You take a pan with lots of oil and just fry them (it will spatter a lot though so be careful)We started with the Pimientos de Padron which i wrote a [post] ( about almost 8 months ago. I saw them in the shop and after the post from @surfermarley about peppers I just had to buy them. I even used a bit of my precious stock of flor de sel from the algarve on them


Next I cut the sweet potato in chips, put them in a bowl and oiled them with oregano/salt and dried chili peppers. Then they go in the oven on a tray with some baking paper
for half an hour and taste delicious. The cool thing about these is that you can really change up the flavour with the seasoning depending on how you like them. So go ahead and experiment a bit.
The oregano was the first time and it turned out nice. I usually cut them a bit finer but this was nice as well.


The last step is the asparagus. Usually they are cooked but I decided to fry them since I still had the oil from the pimentos (no sense in wasting anything)
I cut up 5 cloves of garlic (love the stuff) and added them to the frying pan and after that turned the heat halfway down and after throwing in the green asparagus I just needed to fry them for 10 minutes and they made a really good combo with the sweet potato fries and the garlic.

The only disadvantage is the day after on the toilet. (anyone that has eaten asparagus before knows about it, if you have not, then you will have to to become a member of this club)

So this was a small food blog... let me know if you tried any of this yourself



Great post and nice pictures! Sweet potatoes are my favorite and pimientos del Padron are such a tasty tapas to me: love it!! By the way... do you know you can bake them in the oven as well? Just as you did with the sweet potatoes. They need less oil this way and you aren't that much in danger while peparing them ;)

ok, good tip, will try them like that next time... I learn something new every day here on Steem

And - just being curious. Are your oven-baked sweet potato fries crispy afterwards? Or do they stay crispy - for that matter?

I always have the struggle to make them crispy - at all. So - I was just wondering... 😅

But despite my curiosity - it does look mouthwatering delicious! 😊

yea, the crispyness is an issue... the bigger the chunks the less so. thats why i usually cut them finer, that helps a lot. then you can actually get them crunchy...

Thanks - for the quick reply!

Will try that next time. 😊

Wow some mouth watering food a good post to see

I love sweet potatoes, they are the best!
You can season them in so many different ways, prepare them in so many ways, it boggles the mind. Truly a food to be creative with :)

yea, and it amazes me that I only really started using them 2 years ago... but they are more easy to find now as well. I am a big fan

It makes me happy that there are so much more proper ingredients in the supermarkets these days, from Sweet Potatoes to Chia, to Quinoa, the list goes on and on and it is only getting better as people start to become more aware of what to eat and are making the right choices.

I'll try to stay light;)
Thx for sharing

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