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RE: 42 Vehicular Vehicle Photos

in #vehiclephotography7 years ago (edited)

Thanks Julian for featuring one of my pictures. Below I am pasting a post that I just wrote on my blog in response to being selected:

Hello fellow Steemians,

Translated into English, the title means “if you want peace”. It is a fragment of a Latin sentence which reads: “Si vis pace para vellum”. It means “If you want peace, prepare for war”. I am reposting this picture as one of the winners on @photocontests where I have submitted a number of photographs so far. Only a few have made it to the top, but this one, titled “Si Vis Pacem”, with its juxtaposition of war vehicles under an eerie sky and the word “peace” in the title, is special to me and makes the win particularly meaningful.


For the Latin and ancient history fanatics out there, it is a simplified version of "Igitur qui desiderata pace, praeparet bellum,” in Epitoma Rei Militaris (Epitome of Military Things) by Flavius Vegetius Renatus, a fourth century Roman general.
The post was meant to stir up some cognitive dissonance. At best, I find this sentence thought-provoking, if not totally unsettling. I find myself wondering how much truth there is in it, considering the historical patterns that arms races end up in wars.
At a time when we seem to be in a new cold war, this one actually more frigid than the last one, I am particularly concerned. I am concerned at the level of disinformation and propaganda from the official media.
I know many of my fellow Steemians can see through the self-righteous and bellicose smokescreen, and it is my hope that through this community we seek out the truth, demand accuracy of reporting, continue supporting the “alternative” media (in particular those on Steemit), and create a community of well-educated people who cannot be fooled into supporting that which threatens peace. What are your thoughts, fellow Steemians?

Please give @juliank a visit and upvote in appreciation for hosting some challenging contests. I say challenging because a lot of professional photographers are featured and for an amateur they’re a hard act to follow. However you can see some spectacular work, including his own, so go check him out.