The old vessels parade / La parade des vieux gréements
(A vessel can also be a vehicle)
5 Raws (bracketing) blended in Photomatix Pro
2015 (c) Vincent Le Roy
About this picture / A propos de cette photo
[EN] : In my city, each year, in May, we organise a festival dedicated to our fishing past. My city, Binic is a small town by the sea (around 3000 people) but by the beginning of the century, it used to be the biggest harbour in France for the cod fishing (nearly 100 vessels). So each year, during three days, we invite old vessels to commemorate this past. As the official photographer of the event, and as a sailor too, I go by the sea to make this kind of pictures! Hope you enjoy :-)
[FR] : Dans notre petite ville, chaque année en mai, nous organisons un festival dédié à notre passé de pêcheur. Ma ville, Binic, c'est 3000 habitants mais au début du siècle, c'était le plus grand port de France (oui oui!) pour la pêche à la morue avec pas moins de 100 bateaux! Alors chaque année pendant trois jours, nous invitons les vieux gréements pour commémorer ce passé maritime et en tant que photographe officiel mais également marin, je fais ce genre de photos. J'espère que cela vous plaira :-)
Thanks to @juliank for the #vehiclephotography powered by @Photocontest
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Nice pic :) I like the look of the sails.
Congrats on the win.
Wonderful picture! I love how the sails match the sky... and the sea looks wonderful too...
Awesome. Upvoted.You can do the same for me @impressions.
I liked your post very much. Thank you
beautiful click
Amazing color! Nature really is the best painter ;)
Thanks for informative content.
Great photo! I think I should try out Photomatrix 🤔
Great work as always @vincentleroy, I particularly like this one, love the colours!
nice post. keep it up
This image invokes a distinct sense of nostalgia- not only from the boat itself, but the intense color style reminds me of old black and white photos that have had color added decades later. the strong lines created by the shoreline and the sails that converge at the lighthouse point to the sea, and all the possibilities and adventures it has offered since the dawn of time. Very inspiring.