The Rise & Fall Of Venezuela

in #venezeula6 years ago

It all started in the Late 1940's Early 1950's under a President named Franklin D Roosevelt who was widely know for his Socialistic welfare programs, which he had created during his 3 terms of Presidency lasting a total of 12 years within his terms in office. This is where the Southern American United States Relationship began developing thanks to the 1933 Franklin D Roosevelt "Good Neighbor Act". The Policy Consituated of a "Non-Intervention & Non-Interference" Approach when it came to each other's "Domestic Affairs". This Act was developed to help reinforce the relationship between the Countries of the Southern American Continent with America's relations. In the hopes of creating a strong Commerce of Imports and Exports, it was designed to be a great win for each side which the effects where measured in each other's wealth capita gains. Unfortunately this lasted for only 3 decades as both sides have experienced inflation within the Global market. Most recently Venezuela in 2016 in its struggles to not collapse within their overthrow of their ex-dictator Nicholas Maduro which was forcefully removed most recently on 1/24/19.

This is the aftermath of a socialistic country when faced with Financial Ruin, in this video, which will explain what took the Southern American countries down this path of self-destruction as to the socialist way's of the southern hemisphere.