An indigenous people is a differentiated human group, which inhabits a geographical space, has its own cultural characteristics and a common history. In our country, like the rest of the American continent, inhabit diverse indigenous towns, which are descendants of all those communities that originally populated the American continent and constitute a fundamental factor of our identity. The existence of indigenous peoples in our country precedes the arrival of the first Europeans and, therefore, the formation of national states.
When the Europeans arrived in the territory that is now Venezuela, there was a great heterogeneity of indigenous peoples, but before the invasion, conquest and colonization, and although they defended their lands and their lives, many of these populations disappeared, because of the extermination, slavery, wars unleashed, epidemics and diseases and assimilation to the global population. However, others survived to this day, maintaining their forms of organization, customs and traditions and their own languages.
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Indigenous Peoples of Venezuela
There are currently 31 indigenous groups in Venezuela, distributed mainly in the Guayana Region, as well as parts of the Llanos Region, the Northeast Region and Zulia. 35 languages are spoken.
The indigenous groups of the time of the discovery of America were a sparse and scattered population. These groups inhabited the mountainous areas, the Llanos and Guayana. The natives were organized in tribes independent of each other, without maintaining a social or political unity, that is, they did not possess a cultural uniformity, for which, some of these tribes were dedicated to fishing, hunting and gathering fruits, that is, they were nomads; while others obtained their food thanks to agriculture, since they had settled in a certain area of the country.
Basically three families stand out among the aborigines of Venezuela:! [] ()
THE ARAWACOS: they were located in the south and north-western region of our country, where the tribes of Baniba, Guaipunabis and Caberres in the south (Guayana) stand out; the Caquetíos from the Falcón coasts to the western Llanos and finally, the Guajiros in the Guajira peninsula.
THE CARIBBEAN: this group occupied the mountainous region of the north of the country, which includes from the Gulf of Paria to Yaracuy, as well as the surroundings of Lake Maracaibo and part of Guayana. This was the last group to be established in Venezuela, presumably coming from the south and the east, thus dragging the Arawacos westward. The tribes that stood out the most were: Pariagotos, Chaimas, Cumanagotos, Palenques, Píritus, Mariches, Tamanacos, Caracas, Teques, Quiriquires, Ciparicotos, Bobures, Pemones and Motilones.
THE TIMOTO-CUICAS: these tribes settled in the western region of the country, occupying, unlike the Caribes and Arawacos, the region of the Andes Merideños. The most important were: Timotos, Mucuchíes, Cuicas, Migures and Mucuñuques.
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