The situation in our country every day is more unsustainable, this month there are five (05) children who have died in a well-known hospital in the capital city, children suffering from different diseases and lack of medication, equipment for chemo and Another infinity of situations have stopped breathing, it is sad to see those desperate parents who someday had a life expectancy for their children through an organ transplant and unfortunately they did not achieve it.
How many more dead must there be, so that the conscience of our leaders click and try to improve this situation, so that they stop making promises and take actions that improve, even if it is a little the situation.
There are so many situations that arise in the different cities of my country, which cause it to sit down and cry.
The queues to get 20 or 30 liters of gasoline are up to 4 days, people sleep, eat and relieve themselves around their vehicles, because if they go home they lose their shift or worse are victims of robberies and robberies armed.
The streets, roads and other access roads are destroyed and there is no hope of repair, the weekend I went to a town called El Nula, with some friendships and on Sunday night it rained a lot and in the morning we had to wait because the simulacrum of bridge that there is to cross to the mentioned population are 8 steel tubes I do not know of what measure but the water covered them, two vehicles that passed did it on the platform of a 750 truck that the water almost reached the windows , even there was a truck that was injured because the engine dropped water.
Another problematic lack of gas, garbage in different parts of the city, people who have not been able to buy a bottle for months, imagine homes where there are children, the elderly, where they do not have an electric heater and need gas to heat water for their children, environmental pollution by the proliferation of garbage, animals, bad smells, we really can not.
Actually, the Venezuelan who is left in the country does not know what to do, we are getting used to this situation unintentionally. Food is another subject, many products are obtained, but at double and triple what it really costs.
Only God knows how long this situation will be, that is just a sample of what we live in this country so rich in natural resources, oil and above all human resources, because despite the situation we bet on this country and our country as I say Every day of my life, I prefer to be in my country than badly that my family is well and in any circumstance we are close, to emigrate to another side where you are not valued as a human being and you have to work 20 hours to be able to send some money to the family, you leave your life, your family, the sharing, your friendships to sometimes be mistreated by other people.