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What I see is that you don't even bother to look at the post thoroughly.
It seems that the only thing they see to criticize is the photo.
Both are by my authorship, one in Spanish the other in English, many do in the same publication a paragraph in one language and another in another.
For me that bothers, that's why I publish them separately.
I do not see spam, on the contrary what I see is their inability to verify what they criticize.
Huge greetings / Saludos enormes "No hice copy and pastel"
Please don't spam the same post by using one of other 7117 languages.

It will be considered an attempt to exploit rewards with the same content.
If you repost the same content in one of the other, 7117 languages, please decline the payout on these posts.
You have been done it at least 4 times already.
Do not consider it that way, in fact if you see I have not won anything and I do not care.
I will not do it.
In all ways eliminate the concept of a democratic content network.
Thank you for your advices