My greatest wish at this moment is that the flowers that are put today to those who died, become bullets, and that the tears of their loved ones and those of us who feel affected by their murders, turn into blood of the traitors who are ruling in my country ... it will not be the first time that Venezuela burns in flames and that rumors of war begin to echo, remember times of great wars of independence and that we carry blood of men and women who in old battles they became heroes.
We can not fear burning the streets as the flames will purify and from the ashes a new and pure Patria will be born again ...
honor to the heroes who were killed by the regime of nicolas maduro on January 15, 2018 in "the Junquito Massacre" that the regime called GEDEON operation
Óscar Alberto Pérez (official uprising of the BAE).
Daniel Soto Torres
Abraham Lugo Ramos (official uprising of the GNB).
Jairo Lugo Ramos (official uprising of the GNB).
Abraham Israel Agostini
José Alejandro Díaz Pimentel (official uprising of the DGCIM).
Lisbeth Andreína Ramírez Montilla