I decided to write to President Maduro, trying to correct many mistakes made in the government.
But I support my country, there is no reason for us to invade, give us a coup or impose a person who was not voted for by the people.
I am writing to you with the due respect that it deserves and with the scale that represents it, but it is necessary that I listen to some things that I need to tell you:
I know he is making an effort to keep the country free from foreign interference and from fellow traitors.
I know it is a war, the one we are fighting in the country, I also know that we must have the courage to face the worst monster that has existed in all humanity, such as the United States of America.
I know that we are in a very dangerous and delicate situation when declaring the desperation of the USA to annihilate the Bolivarian revolution and seize our oil.
I know that the lack of food and medicine is the result of the economic blockade imposed by the US.
I know that we have liquidity, and the scarcity makes that the few products that we have rise immensely, and we can not buy them, generating a hyper inflation that is not uncontrolled by the government.
Mr. President, I worry immensely, live this situation, and see the abandonment of the cities and the corruption that plagues us.
Mr. President, are you aware of the abandonment that the cities of all the municipalities of the country are suffering? The inefficiency of the country's institutions joined the war.
This situation is not now, it is several years ago, mayors and governors abandoned the urbanism of the cities of Venezuela. Mayors who were doing very badly and you forced the people to vote again and choose them ...
Realizes that the mayors destroyed the PSUV party and also destroyed the urban planning and development ordinances and plans that the municipalities had because they did not know what it was and what it was about ?.
Realizes that munchas of the people that direct the directions and institutes in the governmental entities do not have the professional profile to carry out these functions, and for that reason it is the result of deterioration of the cities that we perceive today?
You realize that unemployment is immensely great, although you say it is 6%, then, I must tell you that this is false ...
Our towns and cities are full of informal sales (peddlers) in all the streets of the central areas of the cities and in the markets there are no spaces to park a vehicle, because these spaces were occupied by the informal economy. They are unemployed trying to work.
It has been noticed that the largest mass of employment in the country is based on construction and that for 10 years it has totally declined. He believed that civil engineers and architects were millionaires and had no right to work, and he forgot the development of the country and of the working masses that executed this work, the only way to demonstrate the development of the country.-
Mr President, have you noticed that a large percentage of high-level professionals left the country, and those of us left were excluded from their government, leaving us unemployed and abandoned?
Mr President, the universities were created to train professionals, that is why many universities were created with a diversity of races in the country; But you did not respect the professional profile to perform the different positions in the institutions of the country. That is why administrative functional negligence, that is why urban planning and the services of the cities were ignored, were not applied and are on the floor.
Mr President, I realize that you are trying to activate the cities of the country, but I notice a desperate and unplanned tone and action. I realize that you are using terms not suitable for the actions that you want to be undertaken in the city, with the new mission "Ciudad Bonita".
Mr. President, I do not know what is happening there in the highest levels of government, but like me, many Venezuelans are perceiving the same, please, it is necessary that you understand this that I will explain ...
I have written to him so many times, but I have thought that maybe it is I who have not been able to communicate with you.
There has been no way for you to receive the comments and suggestions that I have sent you from here and with great respect and affection. With the due respect you deserve, given your size, let me tell you something, which I have needed to explain to you for some time.
Mr. President, you and President Chávez have made a very big mistake, and from here I feel very sorry when I hear them expressing themselves in inappropriate terms to explain an issue .... And it is not about modifying or creating new dictions or syntax.
It is about speaking the same language with the same terms and the same words so that everyone can understand it and so when it is translated into another language, it does not present confusion or erroneous translations.
It is about his expression when he says that he is going to inaugurate an "URBANISM WITH SO MANY HOUSES", I must explain president signs that URBANISM is the space that is conformed by the city with all the basic basic services, such as white water, sewage or served, gray water, electricity, sidewalks, ditches and road, is also made up of its common areas such as green areas, recreational, single-family homes, and multifamily and goods and services, ie the city's urbanism is defined by all the land use complement of that city.
When you build grouped homes, you do it in the form of a residential complex, or a residential complex or an urbanization. Please, Mr. President, do not be afraid to say that you are building URBANIZATIONS in Venezuela.
Say that you are going to inaugurate another development, or a residential complex, or a residential complex, but do not say that you are going to inaugurate an urban development.
An URBANIZATION is a planned residential complex that can be conceived by multifamily, single-family or isolated dwellings and is made up of all the basic basic services and their common areas and spaces and that due to their population density, according to the urbanistic norms of our country, must have goods or services such as preschool, daycare, recreational areas, green areas, pharmacy, bakery and even a self-service. And these urbanizations complement, with the other goods and services, URBAN PLANNING of the city.
That is, you have built many developments in Venezuela. Do not believe that it is an oligarchic term, no, Mr. President, it is a term that defines the URBAN PLANNING PLANS (POU) of the planning of the territory of the municipalities of the country and the LOCAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT (PDUL) plans of the Municipalities.
Saying Barrio is derogatory if you want it to be so. In the world, neighborhoods are called neighborhoods with all their services given. That is to the urbanizations. However, it is called a neighborhood in Venezuela to houses built without any type of urban planning where it is not previously determined any basic basic service.
Mr. President, then you are trying to rehabilitate the urbanism of the cities, you want to condition your basic services and your goods and services such as sidewalks, ditches, roads, traffic lights, plazas, the operation of the country's institutions , but remember, although you paint them beautiful is not enough, the service provided by the institutions is basic, it is fundamental.
And this operation is what will allow to see a developing city; and in order for this to work, the rules of the POU and the PDUL must be applied and, in order to apply it, they must know how to interpret it and how to apply it.
Mr. President, not everyone understands, it's a fact, it's a reality, it's like you have so many advisers, because you do not know many things .... Is the same. I explain. YOU SHOULD NOT PLACE A NURSE TO HEAD A HOSPITAL.
Make no mistake, please help the youth of Somos Venezuela, but it is necessary, the professional trained to perform the functions that correspond to each one ... That is vital for the proper functioning of the cities ....
I hope that this lack of communication between you and those who want to help you is by carelessness and not that it is an attitude of arrogance and arrogance, because arrogance and arrogance can lead to the irreversible loss of the revolution.
These days there was already a wave of loss that made us feel a chilling cold.
I do not write to disrespect you, I write to you because I want to support you. Make the important decisions you should make in your executive train.
Already the people perceived that the ministers maintain a control of painful corruption in the government; They are the ones who put the governors, the mayors and now, the councilors ... this situation left a lot of discomfort, (nobody says anything in public) because these people placed by eye, do not fulfill their functions correctly, are not completely loved by the people and many are not known, and worse, they have not worked for any community, AND AS THEY ARE SUPPORTED, THEN THE CORRUPTION IS RELEASED.
It has been much arrogance in recent times with the selection of these characters and finally end up with the municipalities as we are seeing before our eyes ...
Frankly they finished with the cities of the country. War and blockade do not imply corruption, dishonesty, immorality and betrayal.
Take into account the professionals, who prepared for that, for that they studied and for helping Venezuela they still live here in our country ...
We are still professionals here in the country, we believe in the process, but we do not accept corruption or professional negligence in the functions of the state because we feel very embarrassed. We love the homeland, we love the process but we have dignity, that's why we are warriors, fighters and radicals.
I am Venezuelan and support my country, we must respect those who voted for you, and wait for the corresponding time to vote again, and that the decision of the majority is the one that determines the next president of the Venezuelans.
We do not want invasion, coups d'etat, or interference of a Venezuelan violating his nation, violating his national constitution and disrespecting the majority of Venezuelans to want to impose as president, usurping a statute that the people have not given.