in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)

The last 3 years i have been spending most of my time in Venezuela learning Spanish and checking out some incredible beaches. Venezuela is a beautiful country with great people, best carnival i have ever seen (and i seen many) and really inexpensive right now thanks to the black market.

While i was there i met many people mining cryptocurrency because electricity is almost free.
Another thing that happened while i was there is Venezuela came out with their own Crypto called Petro backed up by oil and gold. I personally think ethereum is the company behind this.

One of my favorite places to go to in Venezuela is Los Roques. Here is a picture of this beautiful Island full of Italians.
Why am i not here right now. Working Sucks:(

Los Roques, Venezuela

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

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Hola Natasha,
After seeing that picture I am going to have to visit Los Roques, Venezuela.
How are the prices for groceries there?
Lots of Italians you say?