Protesters took the helmets and shields from the GBN Venezuela - Merida

in #venezuela8 years ago

Caracas is basically independent, when you compare it to other states. I have a lot of family in different states and they know that justice is just some cops killing criminals.
Now that the government is suppressing people's voices and opinions this states are going wild, and there is not enough force to stop them.
The protest took hours in Santa Cruz de Mora, Merida. Protesters took the helmets and shields from the GBN who was using gas bombs.
They report that there was a young man was arrested and soon released. More than 15 people injured by direct shots from gas bombs.


perhaps you guys need a second amendment?

Sorry, i might get it wrong, you mean the right to buy weapons? Here in Venezuela you can have a legal gun, but is easier to buy one illegally, and never be caught.
And they benefit of giving guns to the ones that support them, so...

why is there a distinction between legal and illegal weapons?

Guns that where stolen and sold , weapons with no name so you can kill who you want.

everyone ALWAYS kills when they want.
if you think other wise then you are admitting to not thinking for yourself.
are you admitting to having no free will?
are you admitting to being a slave?

Did i say that people don't? I know about that, people always do what they want, but there is supposed to be a system that works to protect people.

but it doesn't..
it's not working now and it never has.
it never will.
people are peaceful (or not) because THEY want to be (or not)
government is irrelevant.