I am not an expert in the area but I always try to give my best! And when it comes to sweets my effort and dedication is usually 100% in all aspects, but not always everything comes out the way I hope always try again because who does not like the candy? ...
I learned how to make them because I really like pastry and because I saw in that field an opportunity to generate income for my 16 years without having to depend on my parents, at that time getting the materials was the easiest here in my country Venezuela, currently The materials are the most difficult when making purchases.
Start with the simplest and classic cake such as the Vanilla Cake which is made with 250 grams of butter, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of vanilla, half a liter of milk and half a kilo of wheat flour, it is a cake very tasty and in terms of costs the most "economic"; Then I wanted to make Auyama Cake and just add 350 grams of auyama recipe, the most yellow I saw, this cake for me is one of the most delicious because the amount of auyama is like a quesillo and that way liked it and more than everything to adults! In the same way the Pineapple Cake for it was elaborated a candy in the tray where it would bake the cake and then greased with butter to place the pineapples and that they remain fixed in the part of above of the cake when turning it, this also the adults looked for it! And could not miss the Chocolate God! This is the most delicious and delicious in the whole world, and then for the Chocolate Cake I added to the vanilla mixture 3 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder but since that was not enough chocolate yet to get it out I started to need covers and fillings to decorate the cakes, and then I learned to prepare creams such as: Chocolate Ganache, Chocolate Pastry Cream, Fudge; and for the combination of other flavors and more variety of cakes in turn: Vanilla Pastry Cream, Arequipe, Swiss Merengue and Italian Merengue. For the decorations I bought Maní, Chocolate Rain, Ping Pong, Dandy, Oreo, Pirulin, Toronto and Cherries.
I kept learning until I got the call Torta Imposible that I call quesitorta, it is nothing more than a cake with a quesillo on top, the secret to this cake is nothing more than to place the quesillo to cook in a bain-marie the oven and when it is already beginning to curdle add the mixture of traditional vanilla or chocolate cake, and yes! It seems a complete madness because this mixture can be joined together, but do not worry for some reason the quesillo is cooked first and then the cake grows, it is very important to let this cake get cold to turn it over because the quesillo must be completely cooled, if they bake it from one day to another better.

This image is edited in Instagram.

These cakes were quite accepted by customers.
I continued looking for tools to advance in this world and I learned to make Biscuits, these are elaborated mainly for Cold Cakes and their ingredients are 8 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vanilla, 3 cups of flour of wheat and 1 glass of water; With them you can make Cake 3 Milks adding 1 condensed milk, 1 evaporated milk and 1 liter of milk, also Peach Cake this is basically a cake filled and covered with vanilla custard and pieces of peaches and it gets wet with syrup or milk, Strawberry Cake is the same as the peach but with strawberries, Kiss of Love this is stuffed and covered with Italian meringue and caramel pieces.
Finally I also learned to make the Mantle or Fondant this is used mostly for: Marriage Cakes, Communion Cakes, Christening Cakes, 15 Year Cakes, Cakes First Year or for some other very special occasion; I personally do not recommend it much for children because it is very cloying because it is a cover with powdered sugar, glucose, glycerin, unflavored gelatin and essence to taste, used for the cover, to make dolls and small decorations .

Looks so yummy. I love pastries.
Thanks for reading and for your vote! And yes! the cakes are a delirium for many people, I personally prefer a piece of cake to eat an ice cream, and more when it comes to chocolate.
This is one of my favorites.