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in #venezuela6 years ago


Greetings @edgarare1.

First: thanks for the initiative to provide a little help for those people who fight and persevere every day to keep the family in welfare and that all this situation in one way or another can be overcome.

Telling you about all the problems we live in Venezuela is a long issue. And honestly, it would depress anyone. To me, in a very particular way, a hole is made in my heart just by seeing so many injustices and so much lack of love for my neighbor. It seems that the most serious thing that Venezuela has is not only the bad direction and political action, but also the lack of empathy (many do not hurt the pain of others), we are in the society of individualism "(Sadly) ...
A sample of our problems in Venezuela?
Here is the link to a post I wrote ....

Thanks and regards...!

Saludos @edgarare1.

Primero: gracias por la iniciativa de brindar una pequeña ayuda para aquellas personas que día a día luchan y perseveran para mantener a la familia en bienestar y que toda esta situacion de una u otra manera pueda ser sobrellevada.

Segundo: Contarle de todos los problemas que vivimos en Venezuela, es un tema largo. Y sinceramente, deprimiría a cualquiera. A mi, de manera muy particular se me hace un hueco en el corazón con solo ver tantas injusticias y tanta falta de amor al prójimo. Parece que lo más grave que tiene Venezuela no solo es la mala dirección y acción política, sino también la falta de empatía(a muchos no les duele el pesar ajeno), estamos en la sociedad del "individualismo" (Tristemente)...
¿Una muestra de nuestros problemas en Venezuela?
Aquí te dejo el link de un post que escribí....Hace un par de días y con dolor de cabeza imperante de tantas cosas que han pasado y nos han afectado.

Gracias y Saludos...!


Hello @pialejoana thanks a lot for coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Hola @edgarare1 . Si, lo importante es seguir adelante... A Dios gracias doy por haberme unido a esta inmensa red, me ha permitido crecer en experiencia, conocer muchas personas alrededor del mundo y además de desarrollar una estabilidad económica . No puedo decir que tengo dinero para todo, pero al menos los alimentos y las cosas fundamentales nunca han faltado para mi familia; mis letras y mi trabajo( Sobre todo en Steemhunt) han podido darme alas para volar y soñar en un mejor porvenir a pesar, de la realidad que me rodea. No se si pienses que soy algo ilusa (quizás mis 26 años incidan en ello), pero es mejor sujetarme a que todo estará mejor , que sujetarme a tristezas que solo avivan pesares.
Gracias por el interés en nuestra situación; Saludos...!

Hello @edgarare1 . Yes, the important thing is to move forward ... Thank God I give for having joined this immense network, it has allowed me to grow in experience, meet many people around the world and also develop economic stability. I can not say that I have money for everything, but at least the food and the fundamental things have never been missing for my family; My letters and my work have been able to give me wings to fly and dream of a better future. Despite the reality that surrounds me. I do not know if you think that I am something deluded (perhaps my 26 years affect it), but it is better to hold on to everything that will be better, than to subject myself to sorrows that only inflame regrets.
Thanks for the interest in our situation; Regards...!

If one does not have hope and a vision of a better time ahead then all is really lost. keep the faith and dream of a future of a better situation for all Venezuelans.

He is absolutely right. Right words ...! Thanks for your support...

Dear @pialejoana

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela


Hello @crypto.piotr ... Thank you for your words and beautiful good wishes. Hopefully Venezuelans can have a better tomorrow ...! Regards...!