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RE: We gave away baskets of food to men of low resources in honor of Father's Day

in #venezuela7 years ago (edited)

What a coincidence!!!!! what seems to be a plagiarist defending another plagiarist.

You @quebim (or Kevin Cogollo according to your intro) , coincidentally, seem to be a plagiarist.



Author: (Javier André Betron)

Same picture with a filter.

@quebim Is that your flickr account? If so reply to this message to inform us.



"This photograph is made in a campsite where the tree I'm leaning on called my attention. . . . . . @quebim thinks we are complete idiots here on Steemit. Not only a clear case of plagiatarism but he also includes a full fake story on how he made the photo himself. So he is not only taking a picture from someone without reference he goes full throttle liar telling us in detail how he made this picture. LIES & Plagiatarism is not a combo Mister @quebim will survive with on Steemit.
Well done @walden

my close inspection result: All the flame tounges are ident that is more than proof from my visual inspection in full resolution.

So he used to plagiarise that sucks and was immoral however by your own account he hasn't in the last two months, so why attack a post where he is trying to do good? Many from the 3rd world come here trying to make a quick buck and use bad tactics. Some eventually realise that they are acting wrongly and clean up their act. Others do not. So go after those who are still doing it and if this kid does it again feel free to give him a piece of mind. But also give the kid a damn chance when he is doing good like here ...people change you know ...

He was given a chance the first time he plagiarized, he ignored that warning, and kept plagiarizing after being 7 months in steemit.
Nothing I can do about it, this is a reincident, intentional serial plagiarist.

by your own admission he has been clean for 2 months so why bully him now. Why not wait until he offends again, if he does. What you are doing now is just school yard bullying . I have seen far worse people in this world change who they are and how they operate. Right now he is doing something good and that is commendable. If people were only judged by their past nothing worthwhile would ever happen. Mohandas K Gandhi better known as Mahatma Gandhi was a woman beater and had a ton of flaws as young man. Until he changed him self and later the world for the better. If people like you would have had their say he and his passive resistance movement would have never seen the light of day because his past would have been a millstone around his neck for eternity.

Also tell me what makes you so perfect that you get to hound people here? It is one thing to call people out for wrong doings but it is totally different thing to engage in a personal witch hunt. Tell me what in your life is so miserable that you have to gain satisfaction out of harassing people. Does it make you feel relevant? Is internet bashing the culmination of your legacy ? How sad is that ? If this is how you plan to make your mark in the world i feel sorry for you.

I wont wait until he plagiarizes again, he was given a chance, a warning, he apologized, said he would never do it again, and did it again. No more chances.

Also, are you aware that his charity posts are basically a scam from which he keeps most of the rewards? hes just using charity posts to appeal to pity and make money himself.


Well then maybe I should point people to your posts that have 0 original content ! You need medication! How can you do similar stuff and act up like this it is pathetic ...

You do whatever you think is appropriate, and I will do whatever I think is appropriate.

What a sad creature you are ...

P.s i see that you make your money reposting music that is not yours with nothing more than the lyrics. no article about the artists nothing original just their work. That is as close to plagiarism one can get without actually claiming someones work, you really should not be talking about shitposts or plagiarism! Clean up your own feed first!

There is nothing deceptive or abusive about that, if you dont trust me ask SteemCleaners.

Blah! Just because it is not against the rules does not make it in anyway respectable. Your posts are essentially shit posts. 0 original worth yet you have the audacity to point fingers at someone else who had an original post with original content! Your are hilariously laughable on you high horse made of dung ...

P.S you aren't Grumpycat in a new guise are you btw?