thanks for the tag appalachain, this kind of situation are still happen to much people. Press teams have been deported out of the country, workers from various areas have been thrown out of their jobs or put in prison for spreading the truth.
Freedom of speech no longer exists here. The only way to say something is the social networks, an also you have a 90% chance of get arrested is someone find you.
I had thought about reaching out to Cody about Steemit, and the Venezuelan community here, but I decided it best not to do publicly on Facebook. I had a feeling the government there wouldn't appreciate online criticism. I know Steem has been at least some help to you guys, and I hope it continues to be. I'll keep trying to come up with a way to get in touch with him privately. Thanks for the input! God be with y'all.
ty appalachain! hope steem community can continue supporting us in this situation. Thanks ♥