Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project has died

in #venusproject7 years ago (edited)

A futurist and thought leader has died recently. Jacque Fresco, creator of the Venus Project has died May 18th, 2017 in Sebring FL. This will sadden many people who followed his work looking at one possible iteration of society.

I liked a lot of what he had to say, but ultimately came away from his main thought, namely the resource based economy, as a giant give away to bad people. Let me explain this as a lot of folks seem to really like his ideas.


A lot of people learned about Jacque in the movie Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist goes through a couple of reasonably accurate rounds of problems that exist in modern culture.

  1. Religions seem to be based on the same narrative, which is actually a celestial story.
  2. Money is created out of thin air by banks to the detriment of the world
  3. False flag terrorist attacks prove that bad people are in power
  4. We need a new system that eliminates the creation of money and simply aggregates and trades in resources.

The problem

He had me until 4. Right now the Fed has to print money and then trade that money to horde resources. In a resource based economy governments would simply control the resources. I don't like what governments do most of the time now. Imagine if they had even more control over every aspect of the country.

a different solution

A real reason I like crypto currencies is that I don't think there are too few currencies in the world. I don't think there are enough. We also don't have enough outside of teh 167 governments that control 7.2B people. A few more choices... especially those not backed by war, threat of war, or constant violence and media manipulation would be swell.

So, I'm sad that he passed, but I'm glad we didn't just turn over all our stuff to governments... that would make things worse. That said, some of his city planning work was pretty cool.


oh my gosh...

I'm seriously teary eyed right now.... This guy was amazing. I looked forward to every new venus project video. I did not like his central command and control of resources stuff. But, a lot of the other stuff he said made a lot of sense. The art showing a balance of technology and nature. The idea of moving beyond scarcity. Focusing on resources... but not the forced part. Maybe cryptocurrency is the way forward to his dream I don't know. This is the first place I'm hearing about this new... gosh... Anyone know if he has had a funeral yet? I wanna find a way to show my support. He will be missed.

One Day.....

Wow...Humanity lost a visionary .....Most unfortunate

died at ages 101. maximize his human potential. i adore him.

I watched quite a lot of videos and read several articles from Jack fresco. Definitely a mind which was always thinking about how we can live in complete understanding of the nature that surrounds us and how we can learn to respect and live within it. We humans are visitors here in this world; we still think that we are all Mighty powerful - time will come when all of his ideas become a reality otherwise our existence as human beings will not be even a small percentage of what life of dinosaurs was on earth. May his soul rest in peace.

Cool post! I'm sad he pass away too. I agree with you cryptocurrencies are much needed and make a lot more sense than what the venus project wants to implement.

He was the only other person who I knew to have read
The Conquest of Bread.

Here is an alternative to even crypto.
If we continue crapitalism, even paying with cryptos, we will not change much of anything, they been playing this game a long time.

This is pretty sad to hear! That guy was brilliant!

RIP Jacque , you were an inspiration to many and you will be missed :(

The @thevenusproject is on Steemit already. R.I.P.

Wow didn't know. I really like the way he thinks and talks!!

Oh man I didn't even know bout this.

This guy made me think in broader terms. rip

I liked the work he did. I partially agree with you.

The Venus project failed to model negative human behavior and instinct. Using the socialist fantasy in place of money is a pretty thought but flawed in more ways than it worked.

I have done conceptual work on the elements required to de-monetize components of society. It is complex but it appears to be conditionally/contextually solvable and it seems to be a good goal. The unmetered aspect present when you experience the fullest sense of freedom is antithetical to the nature of money. While zero money, i.e. all aspects of society de-monetized, may not be sound even in theory, I assert that a society with more free aspects is better than one with less.

Oh that is juts sad!

Rest in peace jacque!
I really liked this guy!

so sad :( World has lost a great person.

One of the most under-celebrated great minds of the last two centuries.

I am in to crypto too but only as a step away from FIAT. Any currency still benefits from reduction of the Common Good. Who would buy an orange if all the streets had orange trees? Monetary profit is the enemy of Common Good and abundance. It's so simple that we have a hard time accepting it but it's not a new discovery. "Money is the root of all evil"
"One cannot serve both God and money" Matthew 6:24

Simply by telling one new person every day that now EVERYBODY can live a life of luxury in a Resource Based Economy, we can end terrorism, war and poverty and create a sustainable world.