Remember this little ass wipe called MarQuis Trill who posted a fake message on all of his social media accounts, that the lead developer of Verge has not been in contact with the PR team for a while and stressed people to get out of Verge now before it would crash.
And that is exactly what happened. Yesterday Verge plumed from 20 cents to 14 and below. I got out as well, deciding I would take my profit before it was too late.
Now this little shit claims that his twitter account was hacked, but this lying piece of shit seems to forget that he posted his message on all his social media, not only twitter.
Some one was making a shitload of money yesterday and I bet it was MarQuis Trill.
That makes MarQuis Trill officially the asshole of 2017.
We're gonna see more of these actions in the months to come. With so many noobs entering the trading market without any knowledge and without doing their own research it will become quite easy to manipulate the market if you have a large audience (like mr trill the ass wiggling rapper).
It's crazy how much a few people can move markets. I'm still trying to find the middle of the crypto-road, so it's good to read about the dirty tricks in the background.
fuck that twat and Mcafee