VERGE (XVG) bounced off the support and IF the direction is a new impulse setup, then the below chart could provide a scenario. However, I'm leaning towards Bitcoin making a lower low and if so, XVG will follow. Still, if we get a higher high on XVG to lead to an impulse, it would be ideal.
Here is the scenario for following Bitcoin down to a potential lower low. EVEN if it does, once the bottom is put in, the price rise destination would be unchanged. I had indicated in prior posts that farming for cash could be helpful into this bounce.
Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.
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Still hopeful with Verge.
Looks like more correction coming for XVG
It's one or the other... just a matter of waiting for confirmation before taking a position.
Thank you @Haejin for taking the time to cover $XVG. People who are being negative in their comments clearly don't understand the statement "There is nothing absolute" All that @Haejin is posting about is an educated statistical analysis that is potentially CHANGABLE based on human behavior and financial variables. I hope that people who are attacking take this into account before they write a negative comment.
Lets all just sit around the camp fire a sing kum-bi-ya rather than hand out any sort of criticism.
:-) nice idea ... but I think good constructive criticism would be very well to (some people are paying much to get that kind of criticism) ... Of course with respect for each other and without the aim to hurt ...
is that really how you look? Wow.
I agree though, @haejin is great.
This place is becoming a war zone!
he has* more knowledge. Learn how to spell before you go roasting my boy @haejin
quite possible that zamara is not a native english speaker, and he did spell have correctly, you just sound... pedantic.
Spelling aside, Zamara's post is rude. Why not say, "for another opinion, check out @salahuddin2004's blog." I welcome dissent but don't be an a-hole about it.
Also he is the same person he is recommending.... a complete fraud, go and look for yourself. There are like 3 aliases trying to promote same person.
Hahaha... Oh what a world we live in...
Please leave! You are annoying like your own poop. You are being disrespectful to everyone here who wants to learn and contribute. You should be ashamed of yourself.
go get a life
been waiting too long for this one to start taking off again... let's hope it breaks the resistance.
Real mature on the poo emoji spam. You must have lots of time on your hands.
Why do you include "Farming for Cash" in the title? I love your posts but this one confuses me. Is it possible to "Farm" Verge? If so, what does that mean? Is farming = staking/minting?
I am also curious as too what this means.
I've been holding onto Verge for about a month now. I expected it would gain better traction than it has. Although, I guess I did buy it with a HODL mentality, so I really shouldn't be surprised.
HODL! Last November and December was a crazy incident. Long Term XVG is going to get up.
Nice analysis Haejin! Check out @CryptoBroye for analysis of your favourite crypto's and https://steemit.com/cryptotrading/@cryptobroye/success-strategies-trading-crypto-s-equities-with-triangle-chart-patterns to see the complete strategy we use for entries and exits :)
Thank You, I definitely will keep my eyes on XVG.
Your maturity level is astounding. Please go bother someone else.
Muchas gracias por compartir tus análisis
thanks @haejin i really respect your work!
I concentrate more on cryptos than stocks nowadays.
Thank you for the update on Verge.
Yeah thx boss, I will understand how to gain some profit, I just sold all my Altcoins for USDT, and wait untill the bittom, so I can buy more Alts at a discount Price <3
still the Justin Bieber of crypto
I am glad to see someone is low rated and hidden this post.. you have been flogging this coin for a month and it has done nothing but fall in value. Do you have a lost grip on reality or are you just taking advantage of your naive followers?
.. at least show them your past incorrect predictions before suckering them in to lose money.
not to be a dick or anything but check the bottom of the images on the posts. There is a time scale there which most people ignore infavor for hype.
If you had any kind of knowledge when it comes to Haejin's TAs is that there is absolutely no timeline. It can all happen in an hour, a week, a month etc.
Several of my alt's have lost value in the previous months. I hope they back a famous come-back! Haejin has ALMOST always made quality good calls in my opinion.
I feel like my lossess will be regained by Q3 or Q4 in 2018, maybe Q1 2019 (hope not! that seems too long to me :) Masybe I am being too optimistic. Perhaps should wait sell at point in the future
I hold XVG, XRP, CVC, DGB, and CVC..... don't judge a newb/book by its covers.
((Forgot what ese i was going to type here and im a oittle buzzed drunk) ao.. I'm calling it a night. Have a nice evnenng!
I can´t wait for the boom of verge, I bought it very cheap!
I think the bear market will run at least a week longer.
Good job
Nice calls!
I took the opportunity to generate some cash with the bounce, now I'm looking forward to greatly increasing my coin on this dip. Thank you for your continuing knowledge, wisdom, and for putting up with the bad actors on the steemit platform. We appreciate you!
From what I recall you mentioned that alt coins and bitcoin prices are non-phasic (don't necessarily correlate in the same direction or inversely). What's the general consensus here? And I figure that by "Farming for cash" you also mean collecting BTC balance so you can buy alt coins, as you cannot purchase alt coins with cash.
means having cash to buy alts and BTC that will likely hit rock bottom within 48 hr
you can trade against USDT, which is basically the same. But if you want to bring in new cash, you obviously have to buy one of the main coins first.
At the moment they are phasic again. It is not that they stay phasic or non-phasic for days or weeks.
thank you for your knowledge, good luck @haejin
The day I bring myself to grasp these crypto latins by high chief @haejin is the day I know I've made it in life.
*Catch up mode activated
i am not fan of haejin. Stop downvoting my comments. I just reply his post like i replied to all other posts.
Shows you how rotten to the core this place is right now ...ha
I agree @shawnster... this place is pretty pathetic right now.
It's going down with BTC. All Alts are. See you at 4 cents!