The controversial privacy coin: Verge XVG (and the Wraith Protocol)

in #verge7 years ago (edited)

Among the so called privacy-centric and anonymous cryptocurrencies (like Monero, Dash, Zcash,...) Verge recently gained a lot of popularity (and price increase).

The Verge Principles are:

  1. Ample Coin Volume (which means low price: 0.18$!!!)
  2. Ultra-fast -5 Second Transaction Speeds
  3. Industry Low Fees
  4. True 100% Anonymity and Identity Obfuscation (provided as an optional toggle/choice)
  5. Open-Source and 100% Community Funded (no pre-mine, no-ICO)

The coin recently pumped making a 15 fold increase reaching an ATH of .30$ probably because mentioned by the notorius McAfee - or by who hacked is account, lol.

Peculiarity of this crypto is the new and unique solution Wraith Protocol™, which is a part of the upcoming Core Wallet 4.0 release by Verge.
With Wraith Protocol™, users are free to choose which ledger they want to transact across (private or public) making it as easy as pressing a switch button

the Wraith protocol planned to be released by Q4 2017, was announced just in time on the 31st December, by the Verge developer justinvforvendetta.
Source code here:

The official full release arrived on the only yesterday on the 10th of January though with the communication via twitter:

Verge offers “privacy” by way of Tor and I2P routing, to obfuscate traffic and conceal a user’s IP address when transacting.

Will be Verge the crypto who will reach the throne of the privacy coin?