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RE: Verified Yellow Bird Contest (1-31-2022)

in #verifyyourbrain3 years ago

Link here to a VYB Moderation Mute comment thread where Felix and Steve address the issue in the comments there.

It's a display issue with the payout window changing from 4 days to 8 days. @sugandhaseth @funshee @vikbuddy @mineopoly

We're currently working on a new idea for VYB called @vyb.hub. It's going to be an on-chain communication feature with a focus on dedicated engagement in specific areas like bugs/techsupport... (not six-legged bugs😁).. moderation, governance, distribution, curation, and more.

Letting you guys know in advance because we'll be looking for VYB Hub Ambassadors at some point! I don't have to look far in this post to see the people for the role. 😃