This entire project is incredibly sketchy, so I don't find this "hack" credible.
It is also VERY clear that Veritaseum is being trading back and forth and exploiting the lack of order matching on Etherdelta to paint fake numbers (both 1) volume and 2) price). It's pretty gross.
"Veritaseum enables software-driven P2P capital markets without brokerages, banks or traditional exchanges"
Their website barely makes sense....
Etherdelta allows bids to be higher than the ask allowing the prices to be inflated. If you followed the Nimaq pump of dump of 3000% you will it follows the same pattern. It could be hackers but Veritaseum, as you say, has always been a little sketchy.
Not surprised that Nimiq followed the same pattern. Nimiq hired "Whalepanda" who is a professional social media promoter and pump and dumper.