If you're unaware how to move coins to a nano S:
Open the ledger manger app with your nano S plugged into the computer. Download the Vertcoin option which is now available. Remember that you may only have 4 different cryptocurrency apps on the nano S at one time, so you may need to temporarily delete one of the apps to make room for Vertcoin. Don't worry, the coins will still be there when you reinstall apps.
Then, you will access your Vertcoin account using the Ledger wallet bitcoin app. Open it, choose the type (segwit or regular), and you can now send and receive from that account.
NOTE: the electrum wallet currently won't send coins to the nano S if you use the segwit chain. A developer has stated that they are aware of this and they are working on it. It should still work fine sending from the vertcoin chain without segwit.
Some crypto community members have suggested not moving all coins to the nano S just because the capability is so new and there may be undiscovered bugs still. Nonetheless, it provides another avenue of coin storage that shows Vertcoin is moving in the right direction.
electrum wallet update fixed the inability of sending VTC from the electrum wallet to ledger nano s. Once electrum wallet is updated to, funds sent as expected.
I haven't heard any issues using the Vertcoin ledger nano s app otherwise, so it should be considered a very secure way to store and use VTC