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RE: Vessel Desktop Wallet: New Features, Security/Bug Fixes, and Maintenance

in #vessel5 years ago

Thanks for that mate. Vessel has always been my favorite wallet and I use it still to this day. It just has a lot of problems that need to be fixed so we can present it as the unofficial Steem wallet!

Jesta had plans to abstract Vessel into Anchor and have it work for EOS as well, but he is a busy man and that will take some time if it ever happens. We can't let Vessel just fall into obscurity.


We still talk about the integration of Steem into Anchor a decent amount, but you're absolutely right that it'll take some time if and when it happens. Maintaining Vessel for the time being seems like the best path forward, until a point where we are ready to push Anchor from a multi-EOSIO architecture to a multi-blockchain architecture. That'll take a bit of effort and cleanup on our part.