The prize pool for the Lest We Forget tourney is now 60 SBD at last check. We added 15 SBD; @inthenow and @bethalea each added 10 SBD.
How To Join:
Joining is easy, and if you have any trouble, find @bethalea on Discord or Steem.Chat (same name across all platforms). She can help! (probably)
- You must be a 'good Steemian';
- Have a Reputation of 35 or over
- Have posted, commented and replied - engaged in Steemit
- No Sockpuppetry or other scammy shenanigans (You will be manually verified, and our team is very good at sniffing out scammers)
If you meet these criteria:
- Register at You do NOT need to d0x yourself... you will need an email you can check, a name we can call you, and as stated, a proper Steemit blog
- Join our Discord - many tournaments and announcements and LOTS of fun happen here : ping or direct message bethalea#8729, if you have questions or concerns.
It may take a day or two to verify your account and approve it for play, so make sure you register at today! (I for one will give zero fucks about anyone who complains because they waited 'til the last second and weren't able to play in this tournament.)
Yup, we is here folk!

D'aww soooo cute!
The prize pool is now 72 SBD. 🎖️
Now it's up to 100 SBD. 💰