Veterans to March at LP Convention

in #veterans7 years ago

20 United States Veterans commit suicide every day (according to a 2016 VA report.) That's over 10,000 Veterans just in the time since Trump has taken office. And nobody seems to be talking about it. So, at the Libertarian Party National Convention this year, let's change that in the boldest way possible. We are proud to announce the March of the Dead Veterans. Whether you are a Veteran, a family member of a Veteran, or just a person who'd like to take part, join us.


We have purchased 200 skull masks which will be available to each marching veteran. (If you can help with some of the cost, each mask is $5.00 and you are welcome to keep yours as a keepsake. Donations will be accepted on site or at

A casket with the names of every known Veteran suicide victim inside will be carried by six pall-bearers and a brass band will play Taps as we march through the streets of New Orleans.

Civilians (non-veterans) will also be needed to carry water. We will provide orange traffic vests for civilians.

At the end of the march we will conduct a flag-folding ceremony then walk into the business meeting of the convention and hand the flag to the Libertarian Party National Chair in recognition of the work the Libertarian Party is doing to end this horrific epidemic.

Our brothers and sisters can no longer speak, but we will make sure their voices are heard.

Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project


I was shocked by the numbers, and if that is correct then this march must be done.

Best of luck and I hope we would get some pictures so we can broadcast through our social media platform that's the best I can do since am far away

Best of luck!!

So sad that men and women who fight for their country are not properly taken care of when they return home. What's even sadder is that there is this notion that this fight is needed in the first place.

Good luck with the march

They're fighting for politicians and others in the ruling class, not their country.

The whole war on terror is a Freemason war profiteering psy op lie designed to scare the public and to take over the Middle East for its natural resources. The government wants the vets to die because they can tell the truth. Why do you think Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange got thrown to the wolves for reporting facts?

they are heroes of the country.

By murdering for politicians and others in the ruling class?
According to the US military ~90% of people they murder aren't even the intended target.

If anything it makes the population less safe.
How can you support people that keep such senseless slaughter going?

I don't know that I can support this. It's obviously sad that these people chose to become paid killers in the first place. But what's so sad about someone who kills innocent children and tortures committing suicide? They are killing themselves in mass because they have a guilty conscious. You didn't see this mass suicide in previous wars because the propaganda was stronger and people believed in what they where killing strangers for. This just seems a natural reaping what you sow. Yes I hope they repent and I forgive any soldier that admits his wrong, but I certainly can not celebrate veterans (or any form of the VA, government theft funded organisation) in good conscious.... Love you Adam, and I'm glad that you woke up from the military, as I hope others do, but folding a flag with reverence is something brainwashed people do.

I doubt that it's out of guilt, more likely the feeling of being useless to society because they're an emotional wreck. Compassion probably increases the risk of suicide. But maybe you know more about the issue, I've never murdered for politicians.
The politicians don't really care about a veteran committing suicide, it lowers the medical cost and society probably considers him weak. We should draw attention to this to counter this view and warn off new recruits.

I'm sad to say that the method of organizing society in an obedience hierarchy is probably deeply rooted in our instincts, causing people to obey any order, partly because they view themselves as not responsible:

It was probably developed when life hadn't even developed to the bacteria stage yet, but certainly when life reached the lobster stage. Either way, it's not something we can get rid of. And this causes people to accept the authority of those who seem to be on top.
So in order to get rid of this we likely need to propose replacing this involuntary system with a voluntary system. Just saying that we need to get rid of the evil shit seems to not be enough. That's why I love the Brehon Law system of Ireland so much, it proves that society can be organized in a voluntary way:

Go ahead and I hope one of your competitors brings along the Time Magazine article, holds it up and shows the whole convention you have no idea what you are talking about, the study was based on flawed data and embarrasses the crap out of you.

United States military veteran suicide
United States military veteran suicide is an ongoing phenomenon regarding a reportedly high rate of suicide among U.S. military veterans, in comparison to the general public. According to the most recent report published by the VA in 2016, which analyzed 55 million veterans' records from 1979 to 2014, the current analysis indicates that an average of 20 veterans a day die from suicide.

Sorry Wikitextbot that's not true according to the data in the study. It was 22, and after being investigated by several news organizations that study was flawed. Here is a direct quote from the ACTUAL study:

"Among cases where history of U.S. military service was
reported, Veterans comprised approximately 22.2% of all suicides reported during the project
period. If this prevalence estimate is assumed to be constant across all U.S. states, an
estimated 22 Veterans will have died from suicide each day in the calendar year 2010"

Maybe you can do Wiki a favor and go correct it.

Did you even read the first line of that article? Same exact study quoted in the articles I published. From a study done between 2009 and 2014, that same study was released in 2016 just like I said, it was NOT DONE in 2016.

Read the VA report for yourself:

Here's a screen shot that shows you that 69% of men who served in the military committed suicide after the age of fifty, that's thirty some plus years AFTER they served, if the military was the reason most these guys committed suicide they'd done it a lot sooner, just like the articles I posted told you. Also compared to the fact that out of 79% of male suicides who did not serve 44% of those men were also over the age of fifty. Which draws a pretty close alliance that most men will commit suicide after the age of fifty and it's other things other than military service that drives them to do it. The report also REPEATEDLY states you cannot draw anything conclusive from the report because it based on statics from only 21 states that responded to the study, that the indication on death certificates that one served in the military didn't extinguish a difference between combat or non combat duty.

Screenshot (4).png

California, the state with the most veterans who served in the country wasn't even listed in the data. That's a pretty important goof, that's why all these news organizations went to California, looked at veterans data and debunked this whole 22 veterans a day thingy. It's all about the money, the VA seen they could make a money grab with what they had and they went with it and it got them millions. But if you guys want to make have egg all over your face spieling this garbage at some national convention by all means don't let me stop you.

I understand that you're trying really, really hard to find any reason at all to troll Adam. Can you point to the place where Adam is saying that 22 veterans a day are committing suicide?

Because it looks to me that he's saying that 20 per day are committing suicide... which is precisely what the data says.

To add to this, here is what I put together a few months ago when we first announced this March, I have included the body of the press release plus the sources -

Libertarians are the only political force bringing attention to the suicide epidemic in our military. As of September 2017, the number of active duty military was 1.3 million according to Add to that 800,000 reserve forces. President Obama, in 2016, just before leaving office, signed the $618.7 billion, 2017 National Defence Authorization Act. This bill which passed with overwhelming support from congress added 16,000 more soldiers to the Army alone. This was exactly what war hawks like Lindsey Graham had asked to be sent to Syria in 2015. “The only way you can destroy the caliphate is with a ground component.” said Graham. With this obvious build up towards yet another war in the middle east with no clear goals, one statistic continues to be ignored by everyone in Washington D.C. from Congress to Donald Trump. Twenty veterans commit suicide every day in this country.

In the global “War on Terror,” according to the L.A. Times, there have been 6,915 combat casualties. When you do the math, there have been 109,500 Military suicides in the past 15 years. This is almost ten times as many soldiers who have taken their own lives than have died in combat. There have been more of our soldiers who commited suicide in the past 15 years than in all of our conflicts combined from Korea to present day.

The government is so unconcerned about this horrific statistic that they seldom mention it. In Donald Trump’s most recent State of the Union speech, he mentioned several issues that plague our country. He praised our military. Yet, could not take the time to even mention this tragedy. This startling number is evidence of the negligence of government. They are willing to send these men and women to die in senseless war, yet completely unwilling to face this result of their lust for Empire.

Because the people who caused this are unwilling to even discuss it, we must take action to bring awareness ourselves. Recently, Adam Kokesh announced a “March of the Dead Veterans,” for July 1st, 2018. This all veteran march will begin at the New Orleans VA hospital and make a stop at the Libertarian National Convention for a flag folding ceremony.


No that's what happens when you don't read the study for yourself.

"Among cases where history of U.S. military service was
reported, Veterans comprised approximately 22.2% of all suicides reported during the project
period. If this prevalence estimate is assumed to be constant across all U.S. states, an
estimated 22 Veterans will have died from suicide each day in the calendar year 2010"

Now tell me whom I am to believe, the actual report, Adam or Wikipedia where just anyone can type in info whether it's true or not and has a disclaimer that states that fact?

Again as Ben pointed out, you are simply trolling and argueing about nothing, but what is new.

The true fact is is that people run around on this site and write stuff all the time without researching it. The link to the study is there, click on it, read it and you'll see it was 22 not 20, further more several news organizations investigated the claims and found them to not be true. Adam is one of the biggest people to push about the propaganda the government lays on people to justify using taxpayers money, this is exactly what they did. After that flawed data was released they got millions into the VA budget. There was plenty of more places within the VA that could have used this money much worse then directing it to go on something that wasn't true.

Furthermore, in respects to this post I am only trying to help him out by guiding him to the truth. The
more believable he is the better off he will be. Not that he ever stands a chance in hell of being elected and that's why I parody him on some of his post. It's all in good fun, just like the kind of fun he's having with all this because he knows what the bottom line really is. The object of a discussion board is to read the comments and comment, if that's trolling you are no less guilty then me.

The study was done in 2012, the study, why did the press not grab onto the story until 2016? Because Trump was running for president and he quoted the study, so all these news organizations that hated him wanted to prove him wrong so they went and looked into the study's data and found it flawed so they could call him a liar.

Whatever the number is, it is only the robot they killed. Those who join the army suicide their humanity and let their flesh body intact (even train it) to be used as order following robots.
Maybe "we" should (hold a march to) mourn those who join the army and suicide at that moment everything that makes them human.

Given that it has always existed war sadly is part of being human.

Being robot you mean.

No, it is very very human, robots don't love war. There are men who love war, all they want is to fight.

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I heard medical support of veterans is not enough.
Over 30 days are required to take simple exam.
Don't tell me this is typical phenomenon. I don't want to believe that USA veterans are died by lemon medical system.

In south korea...... situation is SO different.

How much higher is the veteran suicide rate than it is for young men in general?

I think the reason it is not being talked about is because the reason for the suicides.

What a great deeds, I salute all those behind this noble action to end veterans suicide, 200 every day is definitely not a joke.

Sorry, but this march is pointless. The government does not care about Veterans (duh) and they will continue to do nothing about ALL Veterans issues. The ONLY way to stop Veteran suicide is for Americans to stop joining the military. Thankfully, according to the VA, recruitment has been on a steady decline for years and is expected to continue. BTW, I am a Veteran, so don't attack me on that front, you'll lose.