Veterans on Steem Daily Highlights - 21 Jun 2018

in #veterans7 years ago


This highlighter curates the diverse content published by military veterans on Steem on a daily basis. It welcomes all sorts of content under all sorts of tags with the goal of showcasing the diverse contribution of veterans.

Daily Veteran Post Curation

Our daily contributors are selected from the @chairborne following list.

1@richq11Principalities of Darkness: Pedogate- CERN & Child Sacrificeinformationwar
2@flemingfarmSt. John's Wort - Hypericum perforatumnature
3@jasonbuSteemwars - Mission 2 - Part 9 - The Limited Battle for the Square Planet [COM RD 18]steemwars
4@anthonyadavisiiThe Domination of Steem by Vote-Selling Witnessesnobidbot
5@protegeaaFocus on Blockchain Developmentdecentraland
6@jackmillerDieses Update zu meinem Brückenschlag-Projekt soll in die Einzelheiten dessen, was für eine Community ich hier in unserer Blockchain mache, gehen. - Invitation To All Christians on The Steem Blockchain.german
7@everittdmickeyI get a little angrydiscussion
8@coldsteemTriage - Movie Reviewmovies
10@derangedvisionsIt's #whiskywednesday Ya'llwhiskywednesday
11@bembelmaniacDAD-Chronicals : DADDY children - When dad is suddenly the greatestdad-chronicals
12@yosuandoniPaladins breakfast of championsdlive
13@rakkasan84Steem Monsters Cards Giveaway Winners!contest
14@wolfhartPolitics - A subject I avoid But Damnanhouraday
15@iamevilradioRap Thursday - Whack World by Tierra Whackrapthursday
16@entrepreneur916How Greed is Killing the Blockchaindlive
17@lexikon082Strangest Craigslist ad ever...about GOATS? Photo Contest...about Goats!goat
18@bunnymoneyDLive Father's Day - Huge Surprisedlive
19@len.georgeThe Order Of Saint Johnhistory
20@cgbartowCGP.Life Now With Steem Connect dtube
21@fixedbydocStormed into Terra Hutte on bike route 40adventure
23@inthenowDaily Dose Report - 06/21/18!geoengineering
24@chackettbus ride to airportlife
25@johnwjr7What Did You Leave Me For?music
26@frostyamber#ULOG - Daily Thoughts - 20 Jun 18 - Homesteading Today...ulog
27@epicdaveFuture expeditions: Returning to the Moonscience
28@averageoutsider'Outsider' Pic-a-Topic Contest Has 'ENDED' (New One Coming Soon)contest
29@sapper11gCOLOR CHALLENGE- THURSDAY GREENcolorchallenge
30@roger5120Beautiful Peonies photography
31@wizardaveAnyone ever catfish or fish in and around St. Louis?musing-threads

Member List

The full list of known veteran and serving member accounts can be found here.


This highlighter does not take responsibility for anything posted in the above list of links. It pulls indiscriminatingly and supports each veteran's right to be equally heard. The member list is checked regularly for account compromise and other issues. For more information read all about the Veterans Project here.


This highlighter will run on @guiltyparties until @chairborne reaches a follower list of 500 strong to ensure maximum visibility for the curated posts. Until then it will be re-steemed.


This digest post directly interacts with the STEEM blockchain.

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Wow you are doing a great job.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thank you for the plug @guiltyparties .

It's an amazing job you do for these veterans.