How long ago a was this stroke? Thank God you came out the other side doing well! Do you find avoiding sugar to be difficult?
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How long ago a was this stroke? Thank God you came out the other side doing well! Do you find avoiding sugar to be difficult?
The stroke was on May 6th this past. I got out of the hospital on May 23rd with about 85% of my life back. I still have kind of a draggie left arm and I get tired quite quickly. Fear of another stroke keeps me from delving into sweet decadence like cake, candy, and such. I do make pies with stevia packets and eat fruit, but never fruit juice. Erythritol works well for sweetening and is favored right now with health enthusiasts. I buy it from Walmart as a Great Value brand in single serving packets. In the Christian bible we are told the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit so what better way to destroy it than sugar as the devils favorite tool!
Oh wow, that was a long hospital stay. What about honey or pure maple syrup?
for blood vessels sugar is sugar no matter the source. That is why it is so insideous. Here is the proof: