21,000 deaths! Two years ago during the normal cold and flu season there were 21,000 deaths reported directly linked to cold/flu and this is something we go through EVERY YEAR. What is different this time around? Well, it could be that it was directly linked to China, although that is kind of far fetched. What else is going on RIGHT NOW that many of us are trying to pay attention to? You are SO right! The presidential election is happening this year. How much is “Rachel and Shawn” covering the COVID-19 issue? Not really a whole lot, but they are both talking about “how rude the Bernie-Bros are”. They are not even talking about policies that would matter most to us? Simple, the Billionaire owners are telling them what to report on, and to smear the preferred choice of the American People. Prez drumpf and his Billionaire buddies DO NOT want Bernie to win the Election that is why there is this HUGE push to get Biden into the race against drumpf. This is a candidate that can’t even remember what he has said, 2 minutes before being asked about it, “I never said that” when indeed he said verbatim on a national televised debate, the words in question. He can’t remember the words to the Declaration of Independence and he plagiarizes just about EVERYTHING he says.
If there is any doubt about what I am saying, simply ask WHY is it that the only States not fully counted are the ones that Bernie has won or the counts are to close to count. Why, a week later is Maine not counted? How about Colorado, Utah and California? It is very simple, they want Biden to LOOK better than he is. With our Corporate Media you have to ask “What’s in it for them?” with EVERYTHING they say. Politico.com says that Biden is leading by 87 votes, on the same site they say he is 73 votes ahead when in fact, in my opinion, they are all done, the media just want you to know where the REAL STORY LIES. Read up on this lying BS and see for yourself, Bernie is ahead. Mitch, out
#No special privileges for the wealthy
© Mitchell 2020-03-08
A flu with 4% of deaths...

Image Source: WFDD - Hospital Beds For Coronavirus Patients Are Scarce
gotta wonder where this was shot at? It is outdoors and kinda looks like the hospital in China that collapsed. I am not sure what the bed count is here in the U.S. but it is probably somewhere in the thousands of empty beds since 90% of us cannot afford any kind of medical emergency.
@doirda, thanks for the photo and the info.
It's in Wuhan, in the context of the new hostpital they built in ten days.